NBC Discovers Pregnant Migrants Waiting To Get Into The US Are Suffering – IOTW Report

NBC Discovers Pregnant Migrants Waiting To Get Into The US Are Suffering


According to NBC’s investigation, pregnant women waiting to get into the United States struggle to receive proper medical attention and prenatal care. They rely solely on medical volunteers to provide sonograms, ultrasounds and prenatal vitamins. Their biggest struggle, however, is figuring out where in Mexico to have their baby if their asylum case is still pending. More

13 Comments on NBC Discovers Pregnant Migrants Waiting To Get Into The US Are Suffering

  1. The crime is third-worlders being told they should make and arduous trek to get free stuff.
    Deaths in the Mediterranean have dropped by about half over two years, as word got out that Italy will not accept refugees.

  2. The purpose of this “asylum” migration is the destruction of the American identity as a nation, to replace it with something more international and non western (European in origin) in nature.

    These people are not coming here to become Americans and contribute to America, they are coming here to remain what they are, making their living off of American welfare services, and change America into something different.

    I doubt you’ll be hearing anything from NBC or any other mainstream source pointing that out. Sympathy generating sob stories (which are actually about what these people have done to themselves) are the order of the day to take attention away from that.

  3. Per NBC: “The U.S. Constitution guarantees that every child born on American soil automatically becomes a U.S. citizen. ”

    Not exactly, but that is how progressives have interpreted the constitution .

  4. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”.

    The left is fond of confusing these flowery lines for immigration policy.
    I’m still searching for the line welcoming anchor babies and celebrating their US citizenship.

  5. Save for a very small percentage of problem deliveries, women’s bodies have been delivering babies all by themselves for millenia.

    We must end the anchor baby nonsense that was implemented by State Department bureaucrats, not by any court decision interpreting the Constitution.

  6. The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

    It was enacted to assure citizenship to children born of former slaves NOT citizenship for anyone who crosses our borders and drops a baby here. Name any other country that does that. It’s time to repeal such an outdated law. It’s helping to destroy this country.

  7. Imagine a pregnant El Salvadoran trying to sneak into the US but having the baby before they get here.

    Felicidades, Senora. It’s a Mexican. You hijo is now entitled to a lifetime supply of corn chips, salsa and MS13 tattoos on their face.

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