NBC is so Woke they don’t recognize the difference between a male and female dog – IOTW Report

NBC is so Woke they don’t recognize the difference between a male and female dog

I guess the dog identifies as a female.

I hate to dump on a nice story with my angle, but NBC are jackasses and deserve it.

15 Comments on NBC is so Woke they don’t recognize the difference between a male and female dog

  1. Over the years owning many dogs i have found people that don’t own dogs tend to call the light coloured or cute looking dogs females and the dark coloured and meaner looking dogs males. I can’t count how many time people would let their kids run up to my 90lb dalmation thinking these dogs are harmless or adults cupping dogs cheeks they have never met and giving them a kiss on the nose.

  2. Miracle is proudly trans, just get over it h8rs. I just h8 those stupid vets for feeding her meat. Don’t they have soy there? That’s what I fed my dog when it transitioned to a cat and zhe is just fine. Can’t walk but I think red hat nazi Trump terrorists broke in while I was out and hurt zher legs.

  3. Neither did Bill Clinton, and he was still elected president.

    In case no one’s noticed, we haven’t exactly had a deep well of intellects in our govt or press from which to draw in many decades.
    Trump is an island.

  4. Disney movie The Ugly Dachshund was about a Great Dane raised with a bunch of girl dachshund pups.
    In one scene, one of the girls had a weenie. Oops.
    Also, Lassie always was a male in drag.

  5. Female = enhanced, accepted victim-hood. They really can’t help themselves on seeing the world through “I see victims everywhere” glasses, so they portray Sarah McLachlan news to us.

    If they knew the dog was male, they might be running an expose’ on how he deserves it for being a dawg dog.


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