“NBC is the Best” – BFH – IOTW Report

“NBC is the Best” – BFH

My full quote is “NBC is the best example of a crap news organization that peddles in obfuscation and chicanery in order to further a left-wing political agenda.” -BFH

Recently NBC did the ol’ half quote and misled their idiot viewers, idiots that still watch the pravda-like broadcasters.


CHUCK TODD: Can you equivocally rule out a registry for Muslims?

PRIEBUS: Look, I’m not going to rule out anything. But, we are not going to have a registry based on religion.

This was an exchange on Meet the Press. What did NBC tweet?

“Can you rule out a registry for Muslims?” asks @ChuckTodd.

“I’m not going to rule out anything…” says @Reince on @MeetThePress

18 Comments on “NBC is the Best” – BFH

  1. Reince walked right into that – proper answer is “Just like the registry for gun owners – no more, no less” or something similar
    Call it “common sense immigration control”

  2. I don’t know BFH, do you honestly think that after this election that the media with it’s blatant lies and bullshit polls will garner anymore credibility than they had before the election? I don’t!

  3. No, the press will not change. The have spent over 50 years becoming so biased they can’t think for themselves anymore. Freedom of speech now means freedom to lie and twist the truth so the general populace doesn’t know anything except what the media gives them. The left has divided amerika for their own purposes. Is it even possible to be white and non-racist? Remember when Trayvon Martin (the little thug) was killed. The press assumed Zimmerman was white because it fit their narrative of white on black crime. Later, when they found out more, he became a white man of color”. The amerikan press is a joke.

  4. Aleon,
    All I know is that we will be here hammering away at this bullshit, pushing the opposition to this crap, hoping that we are, indeed, in the middle of a cultural revolution where we can all say, one day, with pride that we took part in “taking the country back.”

  5. Liberty loving people are coming out of the woodwork and are becoming more bold in standing against lies and political correctness. We are also getting smarter in recognizing the
    Alinsky tactics and countering them. Conservative pundits must now start calling them out WHILE an interview is in progress pointing out the dishonest techniques. Remember – – most of the left, journalists included, are trained liars and have honed their skills over years.

  6. @Bubba: “White man of color”, eh? Kinda reminds me of how the Nazis in WWII decided that the Japanese were “Honorary Aryans” (or “”Yellow Aryans”) because they were allies and the Germans couldn’t afford to treat them as an inferior race (which they normally would have).


  7. DemocRat Chicanery is never done, and NBC is in their tool box as is ABC, CBS along with their little flying monkey cable counterparts.
    As a result, our work is never done. The election should not be considered over with until non on Jan 20th, 2017!

  8. Rancid Penis may be a fantastic fund-raiser, but he is possessed of a naiveté that borders on the credulous. He seems not to understand that there simply is NO “loyal opposition” in socialism, only “disloyal traitors and enemies.”

    God Bless him …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. We can create a list, with gruberment bureaucrats empowered to put anyone they want on it without notification or recourse, then deprive everyone on it of whatever constitutional rights we choose.

    The left is already on record in support of this, I believe. Why are they upset now?

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