NBC publishes their unabashed Clinton worship – IOTW Report

NBC publishes their unabashed Clinton worship

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NBC News Heralds Hillary’s Fabulous First 100 Days as Not President

In stark contrast to its lengthy takedown of President Trump’s failures in his first 100 days in office, NBC News published on Tuesday a puff piece on the many accomplishments of Hillary Clinton in her first 100 days as the losing candidate.

Welcome to the media’s alternate reality.

She’s Back: Hillary Clinton’s Last 100 Days,” the headline screams. Writer Jane C. Timm described the many things Clinton had planned for her first 100 days but sadly, can’t do: “An aggressive push on a dozen policies… including raising the minimum wage, investing in infrastructure, and reforming the nation’s immigration system.”

Timm says the last 100 days have been Clinton’s first taste of being “truly retired” while having to endure “a wildly different presidency than the one she had promised.” Yet, despite “laying low” after her “gracious concession speech,” Clinton isn’t sitting around doing nothing. “She’s back.”

And so, Timm says forget about Trump’s “tumultuous first 100 days” and instead, bask in the glory of Clinton’s “apolitical appearances and speaking engagements where she championed longtime causes and reinforced values she promoted on the campaign trail.” She gives a day-by-day breakdown, summarized below:


ht. c. steven tucker

19 Comments on NBC publishes their unabashed Clinton worship

  1. ” An aggressive push on … raising the min wage, investing in infrastructure, and reforming the nation’s immigration system.” Thank God she lost; now she just makes $$ giving speeches on what she WOULD HAVE DONE if she were Prez.

  2. Day 127 thur 137: Spent under the back porch, dodging US marshals trying to serve subpoena.

    Day 247 plus 30 years: Making free speeches, new friends and license plates here at my new residence in Victorville, CA.

  3. She is a class A hypocrite, no doubt about it! Some day soon, both Clintons (and their dog…, er, daugh-ter, Chelsea) will be forced to realize they are way past their ‘sell by’ date!

  4. Gracious concession speech? No, not really. The bitter loser useless hag was in a wild rage and she wasn’t fit for being seen in public. They sent sewer rat podesta out on the podium to tell everyone to go home and get some sleep. hillary is a narcissistic mentally unbalanced shallow pathetic incompetent overgrown teenager, very much like obozo. When these losers don’t get their way, they melt down. Thank God we have an adult back in the WH (first time in a long time IMO, you can decide how long you think it’s been).

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