NC Congressman Refers Nellie Ohr to AG for Investigation – IOTW Report

NC Congressman Refers Nellie Ohr to AG for Investigation

Collusion, conspiracy and obstruction are going to be proven after all.

My only hope is that it goes right to the top and ends with Obama being driven down Obama Boulevard in ankle bracelets.


North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows referred Nellie Ohr, a former Fusion GPS contractor, to the Justice Department for criminal investigation on Wednesday.

…the Republican pointed to Ohr’s claim in her interview that she “would not have any knowledge of what [was] going on in an ongoing investigation” at the Justice Department and that she did not have “any knowledge of the Department of Justice’s investigations on Russia.”

Ohr also denied that she provided information from her research into Russian organized crime figures and Donald Trump to anyone outside of Fusion GPS, her husband, or Steele, who was a former MI6 officer. 

“However, documents reviewed by our committees raise concerns Ms. Ohr not only had knowledge of an ongoing DOJ investigation, but that she shared information and research on Russian organized crime to assist DOJ, in direct contradiction with her testimony,” said Meadows.


19 Comments on NC Congressman Refers Nellie Ohr to AG for Investigation

  1. It’s been said that “Nellie Ohr couldn’t lick the sweat off a dead man’s balls” but I don’t think that’s true.
    TREASON should carry a penalty.
    As a nation, if we want to discourage it, we should not encourage it – the vilest, most bestial punishments must be found – and used. It’s been noted that the Chinese don’t really “enjoy” torturing Traitors, but that they’ve found it to be an effective deterrent (hence, the longevity of the Communist Empire in China).
    One thing’s for sure – if the offender is dispatched – it no longer offends.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Camperfixer- Yep. I’ve been following all the spy shit and she may be the most prolific liar out of all of them. She has no soul. Dead. She’s a zombie that will do anything they put her up to.

  3. MJA- Agreed. She – along with a pile of other vile operatives at all levels – were well paid to do this crap…and likely are being paid to take the hit now their evil plan to discredit a duly-elected President did not pan out. Look at what they are saying today about AG Barr, that he lied to Congress. Scumbaggery at it’s worst…just make it up as they go. It’s like they are accelerating off the cliff…stupid is what stupid does.

    What’s laughable is Trump is steps ahead because he has been dealing with these types all his life and knows the game way better than them, yet they think they are smartest people in Washington. As the popular meme goes, “Hold my beer.”

  4. What concerns me is whether the deep state can get one of their people inserted somewhere within the investigation and bugger it up. I’m not sure who is picking the agents responsible for this coming investigation but they better make damn good and sure they’re clean and actually loyal to the agency and to the government (the one that’s elected) and want this cloud around the FBI and DOJ to be lifted. They also need to get it done fast and accurately with no room for doubt.

  5. They thought they had it in the bag with the wicked witch but when she lost it was plan b, c, and d.
    Now it hits the fan and at some point it will be every man for themselves.

  6. I bet her knowledge of the Russian language made her real popular with all the democrat “investors” in the Ukraine and Russia. Joe and Hunter Biden weren’t the only ones on the gravy train.


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