NC: Hillary Unexpectedly Postpones Fundraiser “Without Reason” – IOTW Report

NC: Hillary Unexpectedly Postpones Fundraiser “Without Reason”

ZEROHEDGE: If there was a time Hillary needed to make a public appearance in the key battleground state of North Carolina to drum up voter support, it was today, if for no other reason than a just released Elon University poll finding Trump now has a modest 44% advantage among likely voters in the Tar Heel State, with 43% going to Clinton.  MORE

22 Comments on NC: Hillary Unexpectedly Postpones Fundraiser “Without Reason”

  1. Maybe she’s going to drop out because they just can’t polish that turd any more?

    With the cross-eyed thing yesterday, the still-present coughing, the falling down, the shakes, I don’t think there is anything left they can do to keep her together.

    Now that everyone, even the left, is looking so closely it’s possible they just can’t pull it off.

    Now that Alex Jones is “main stream” I want to point out that he reportedly was given inside info from the secret service that she’s falling down at least once per hour now and they don’t know what she has, just that she has something and it’s bad.

  2. Trump’s leading now in NC,
    so the media has to first
    stir up racial discord
    with this shooting
    before Hillary can
    fly in and decry “racist cops!”

    That, and she’s on life support.

  3. Black cop shoots black villain that pulled gun on him and threatened to kill him while black cops were searching for another black fugitive in crime infested complex.

    I don’t see this rioting as helpful to Hitlery. In fact I think it Will hurt her. Black good guy vs cancerous negro villain is not acceptable reason to turn Charlotte into Baltimore. This will turn out a lot of couch sitters against Hitlery.

  4. Hitlery has suffered another flareup of her…..

    Parkinson’s and/or epilepsy…..

    Hitlery’s eyes have un-synched and they have to fix that ……

    or the little people will know that Hitlery has a brain problem.

  5. Cancellation could be because donors may finally be getting cold feet.

    Her donors may be realizing that if she drops out, their ‘investment’ is just as wasted as the suckers who donated to Jeb! and Lil’ Marco.

    If she does drop out, she and Bill are going to face Hard Choices when outfits like the Mexican cartels and the Muslim Brotherhood start demanding their tens of $millions in bribe money back.

  6. Like children ask when traveling on the road, ‘are we there yet’? Is she dead yet?? Sad fact is with the Dhimmocratz, she may pass today or may already have passed, and We the People will be the last to know, if ever. The DNC corruptocrats may be polishing up the doubles, to carry on. Someone in the NSA needs to have the BagHag’s fingerprints on file to compare when the time comes. Could prove a life-saver to our nation.

  7. “Hitlery’s eyes have un-synched and they have to fix that ……”

    I don’t think there’s a drug for that. She’ll be wearing some serious glasses at the debate. And Don’t look for many close-in views of her face.

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