NC Ready to Retreat On Transgender Bathroom Law – IOTW Report

NC Ready to Retreat On Transgender Bathroom Law


So much for being the “tar heel” state.  North Carolina elected a democrat governor and now the legislature is preparing to overturn their own “bathroom law” that kept transgenders out of the wrong bathroom.   Apparently the bullying from progressive states and organizations was more than they could take.



10 Comments on NC Ready to Retreat On Transgender Bathroom Law

  1. Why don’t we just have one bathroom. Think how much money it would save. It would also make the queer issue moot.

    Because they would find something to complain about that.

  2. President Trump has to kill obama’s transgender child abuse decree for schools. That should happen on day ONE. Also, no men in any public womens restroom, shower, locker room. Kill it with fire.

    This has to be done on DAY ONE

  3. There is so much missing in this article. First, this is no retreat. From day 1 of Charlotte passing a law that required every bathroom, locker room, shower and changing room in every public and private building be open to any gender on demand, NC conservative said they would repeal HB2 as soon as Charlotte repealed theirs. Under the Charlotte law every public school, private school, store, fitness center, church, campground and pizza joint would be required to allow grown men shower, change with, and pee with little girls or face fines and or jail time. HB2 stopped that. Pat McCrory had this deal worked out many many months ago, but Roy Cooper said he needed HB2 on the books so he could defeat McCrory in the governors race. The entire thing was a set up from the democrats to hurt republicans and they used the willing MSM to spin the bill into something it wasn’t. HB2 gave privately owned business the choice of any bathroom, locker room policy they wish. Only government owned facilities would have gender restrictions, such as public schools. With the repeal of both laws, previous state law once again protects privacy rights that people want.

    Watch this statement from Pat McCrory:

  4. BTW, this is far from over. Democrats were successful in using the courts and the media to distort facts to defeat a very popular governor. They WILL do this again. We must be prepared and come together to stop them. It may be your state next time.

    I won’t be a bit surprised to see Charlotte re-introduce their law once Cooper is sworn in and start this crap all over again.

  5. Great work, Menderman, excellent info. Yes, the left in NC – mostly transplants, with Cooper’s encouragement will keep pushing the LGBT agenda. The Republican lead NC Congress, constitutionally, has limited some of the damage Cooper can do during his term, by passing HB 17. Cooper plans on going to the leftist supreme courts, NC and US, to overtune it. Buckle up, NC conservatives.

  6. They should go in the opposite direction: Legally *define* homosexuality/transwhatever as insanity, and institutionalize these people in State mental hospitals, permanently.

    Invite the lunatics from other States to ‘discuss’ the matter, and throw them in the lunatic asylum too.

  7. I caused many women to re-think their position on Trump when I would say: “The next time you’re in the ladies room, just remember that the man in the stall next to you is a Hillary voter!” I dunno how many minds I changed, but the silence wuz satisfying!

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