Nearly 100 MS-13 Gang Members Busted in Long Island, Including Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Nearly 100 MS-13 Gang Members Busted in Long Island, Including Illegal Aliens


Nearly 100 members of the MS-13 gang have been arrested and charged with various crimes by the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office in Long Island, New York — a historic crackdown on the violent El Salvadoran gang.

Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini announced on Friday that a 23-month investigation into the MS-13 gang’s ten cliques on Long Island had resulted in the arrests of 96 MS-13 gang members, including illegal aliens and those who were able to legally enter the United States.

Those 96 MS-13 gang members, whose ages range from 16 to 59-years-old, come from nine of the region’s ten cliques, and the investigation has led to more than 230 arrests of MS-13 gang members in New York state, nationwide, and in El Salvador. read more

15 Comments on Nearly 100 MS-13 Gang Members Busted in Long Island, Including Illegal Aliens

  1. These fine men should not be prosecuted, nor should they be put in jail. The best punishment, for us, is to send them to California, and let them live among the sanctuary city lovers. If there are good people there that would be affected, then hopefully this would give them the push to get out. And for the libs, the drugs death and destruction would serve them right.

    But they should not count in the census. When are we going to get it right and quit counting lawbreaking illegals? That shithole California should be losing many reps after the 2020 count of citizens.

    The illegals can go get fucked. If we were in another country, any country, we would have no right to effect an election.

  2. @ Hunter
    I’m a conservative living in California (in beautiful North San Diego County) so, no, we don’t need those animals here. The best way to deal with them is the way England dealt with their worst. Find an island with resources for sustenance somewhere out there, and ship the creatures to it. After they finish murdering some of their number, the descendants can form a country…..eventually. Like England did with Australia.

  3. We need a Devil’s Island for these animals. The French would chain the prisoners to their iron bunks at night and let the poisonous land crabs have a go at them.

    I hate them. Truly it is past admins that let them in here, but they should have been rounded up and deported years ago. Why the wait? In the meantime, good people have suffered at the hands of these bloodthirsty criminals.

  4. I humbly submit the Lazlo Plan:
    Go out to the great Mohave Desert, where you drop off thousands of unused shipping containers. Cut some airholes with a torch and weld the doors closed. Cut an access hatch in every one so the prisoner can be taken out for a doctor visit.
    Inside every cell is a cot welded to the wall, and a table built the same way, but close to the floor. Shower pipe in the corner with a drain.
    There is a seat with foot pedals just like a bike. The prisoner pedals eight hours every in 24 hour period in order to make the light come on and the shower water hot.
    No visits, no outside time, no nothing but the bike.

  5. These cockroaches have free unfettered pathways into our country, courtesy of the No Walls groups, and these animal prey on citizens while the Open Borders crowd hide in their walled sanctuary and secluded homes.

  6. @Leo
    You are a rare breed to still be there. We don’t have an ocean, but we have all four seasons, and beautiful rolling hills not spoiled by high speed trains to nowhere or homeless feces and needles. You would be welcome in Nebraska any time. Even if just for a visit. I think you would enjoy it.

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