Nearly 150 people without symptoms test positive for coronavirus at Boston homeless shelter – IOTW Report

Nearly 150 people without symptoms test positive for coronavirus at Boston homeless shelter

Wa Examiner:

A small cluster of coronavirus cases at a Boston homeless shelter prompted broadscale testing at the facility, and officials were shocked by the results.

Of nearly 400 people tested at the Pine Street Inn earlier this month, 146 people tested positive for the virus. None of those who tested positive showed symptoms, leading the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to begin “actively looking into” the results.

“It was like a double knockout punch. The number of positives was shocking, but the fact that 100% of the positives had no symptoms was equally shocking,” said Dr. Jim O’Connell, president of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. read more

18 Comments on Nearly 150 people without symptoms test positive for coronavirus at Boston homeless shelter

  1. I’m beginning to think this may be a very common virus to have and every case that actually has symptoms is being sensationalized to make it look far more dangerous than it actually is for political purposes.

  2. This is what they twist to scream stay home, save a life. Don’t go out and accidentally murder someone instead of considering we’ve had this in our population and it is far more widespread and seems to be hardly worth destroying the economy since we won’t be over running hospitals when most have few to no symptoms.

  3. “The people who tested positive were immediately transferred to two isolation facilities in the city. O’Connell said only one of the patients needed to be hospitalized.”

    If he had no symptoms, what was he hospitalized for?

  4. They claim it’s a knockout punch to the gut when they find out a whole lot of people have it and it’s not hurting any of them because it’s much less dangerous than they’ve been telling us.

    Get that? Their upset that it’s not any more dangerous than the flu.

    These people literally want you dead.

  5. “stay home, save a life”

    One of the left’s biggest lies about this virus bullshit. Stay at home was never intended to save lives, but only to slow the spread so that (as was thought) overwhelmed medical centers might be a little less overwhelmed at the start of contagion. Well, stay at home worked, but not like they thought; stay at home served to show how unnecessary all these shutdowns have been.

    The virus will continue to spread no matter what we do. People will die like in any viral contagious episode, others will have no ill effects, some will be sick for a time. IMHO, the sooner it reaches us all the better. Interrupting world social order in this case is like killing the bull to isolate the flea that’s in his tail.

    I’m fairly certain I’ve already had it, but I can’t prove it. I’m 62 now, don’t fuck with my freedoms, they’re all I have left. Oh, and get off my lawn.

  6. Kill your TV.

    I’ve been saying almost from the get go that this wasn’t ebola and to lighten the fuck up. Then the avalanche of doom porn started from everywhere.

    Russian collusion-nothing
    Mueller Report-nothing with the cherry on top of the absolutely clueless, testifying Mueller doing his impression of Biden

    Now they’ve got their teeth into this. yawn

    President Trump might have been lead to believe millions “could” die but he knows now it’s bullshit and he’s got a tiger by the tail.

    Tough spot to be in. I’m curious to see how he’s gonna turn this one around. Durham is about to take center stage, man it’s a popcorn fest.

  7. It’s been an oddity, that homeless people have not had mass outbreaks, and California has not been as badly hit – perhaps showing that people who are exposed to lots of foreign diseases have strong immune systems.

    If our bureaucrats hadn’t botched the testing, we’d have saved a lot of trouble. I feel foolish for falling for it, but then my plan for dealing with it was cheap – old folks if they are worried about it (me) stay home extra and wear a mask when they go shopping. Just for a while, till things became clearer.

    I find it hard to believe that people (the resistance? deep staters?) whose careers were spent studying diseases and remedies (CDC & FDA) did not realize that banning ‘unapproved’ testing would create a catastrophic bottleneck. If this situation occurred during an administration they were in sympathy with, would they have acted the same? The great thing about bureaucracy (from a deep state perspective) is that selective enforcement can be used to aid friends and screw enemies. After watching the IRS, FBI … actions over the last dozen years, it’s become easy to believe ill of our govt.

  8. Claudia APRIL 21, 2020 AT 5:20 PM

    Did the testing kits come from China?

    I was thinking along that line, Claudia.

    Could be the kit, the test, or both are crap or even tainted.

    Could be the virus is more common than previously known.

  9. No symptoms may mean the test result is a false-positive.

    The more false-positives, the easier to scare the proles into submission to tyranny. Make everyone suspicious of each other…and wear face masks as a PSYOP.

    Little Dr. Fishy Fauci has had an eight-week erection over all his power.


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