Nearly half of college students want ‘In God We Trust’ off currency – IOTW Report

Nearly half of college students want ‘In God We Trust’ off currency

wash exam-

A new survey found almost half of college students think the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ should be removed from American currency, with over two-thirds of Democratic-leaning students favoring its elimination.

The poll, commissioned by The College Fix, found 53% said the motto should remain, while 45% believed it should be removed.

Female students were slightly more opposed to the motto staying on currency, whereas male students overwhelmingly supported it. Over 90% of students who said they lean Republican favored keeping the motto, and a majority of students identifying as Independent agreed.

Students who opposed the motto argued it violated the separation of church and state.

“We live in a secular nation, not a theocracy. Best to remove,” said one Clemson University student.


I might not be a hotshot Clemson student, but I don’t think putting “God” on currency is the government choosing a particular religion to the exclusion of all other religions YOU DUMB C***!

Did I just type that in front of God? Don’t fret, that was the secular me talkin’!

16 Comments on Nearly half of college students want ‘In God We Trust’ off currency

  1. I’d bet the Clemson student was just trying (likely unsuccessfully) to get laid by sounding or so clever. As noted, since it does not refer to only one specific God and has nothing to do with church and state intermingling this is a good reason for employers to shred any resumes from applicants with Clemson listed.

  2. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….” does NOT make us a secular society. It only insures that those who worship communism (and/or islam) are forbidden to foist it upon the rest of us.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Wish you would have researched a bit more and found the number of “students” here with a visa. Our universities are packed with Chinese spies, Muslims and others that hate America. American students don’t feel this way but to prove it we need the numbers. Writing a story as “if” these are American students is disingenuous

  4. How about a trade off – kids in college lose their voting rights and I’ll take my chances with felons that last I saw were not all a monolithic group of democrat voters much to their chagrin. The left is focusing on college campuses now for this exact reason – they are brainwashing them with this propaganda and faux history. Beto spent a year campaigning at Texas State and they turned the district blue coming out in droves.

  5. I agree – having “In God We Trust” on our money is an affront to all those of different or no religion. On the other hand, it would be extraordinarily expensive to reprint all those bills.

    So send all of those bills to Wyatt c/o IOTWReport. Please, no $1 or $5; I prefer denominations of $10 and up. I would do this as soon as possible because it’s not worth the risk of you college students getting triggered by the mention of “God” on the money. Also, for the sake of your fellow classmates and Americans, take your ATM card and get as much money out of your account as possible and send it to me so I can take it out of circulation.

  6. “it violated the separation of church and state.”

    How can we violate something that doesn’t exist? It’s nowhere in the Constitution, it’s not a law, and it’s not even a rule.

    I agree with Crackerbaby!

  7. Remove all currency that bears “In God We Trust” from the 45% that feel it should be removed, per their wishes. Next time they might be more specific.

  8. Crackerbaby post,
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”

    Private school is not being allowed to teach Christian values to low-income students receiving government aid. The State has no authority to prohibit this right. The affected students can’t afford to be in this private school under this illegal ruling.
    I also agree with Wyatt. If these morons don’t want the “In God We Trust” money, give it to those who do! As fiat paper, it can still pay for stuff, for now.

    Discriminating Against Religious Schools
    In Maryland, the state lets you choose your biological gender, but not which school to attend.
    Inez Feltscher Stepman
    August 27, 2019
    “Bethel Christian Academy advertises its religious affiliation in its name, but Maryland bureaucrats were so shocked to find that Christianity was practiced there that they excluded it from the state’s voucher program, which provides funds for students to attend schools of their choice. Their decision forced six low-income students—whose families cannot afford tuition—to leave the school, and made it impossible for additional low-income students to enroll.”

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