Nearly half of Portland Antifa Inauguration Day riot arrestees were arrested at riots last year – IOTW Report

Nearly half of Portland Antifa Inauguration Day riot arrestees were arrested at riots last year


Many of the suspects charged at the Inauguration Day Black Lives Matter-Antifa riots in Portland, Ore. on Wednesday were previously arrested and released at other riots throughout 2020.

On Jan. 20, BLM-Antifa rioted in Portland in coordination with other pre-announced Antifa-themed violent protests in Seattle and Denver.

Around 150 Antifa dressed in black first rallied in the afternoon at Revolution Hall in southeast Portland behind banners that read, “WE DON’T WANT BIDEN—WE WANT REVENGE,” “WE ARE UNGOVERNABLE” and “A NEW WORLD FROM THE ASHES.” The banners were accompanied with symbols of communism, anarchism, a Kalashnikov rifle and the Iron Front logo.

Antifa then marched unimpeded to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon where they proceeded to smash windows one-by-one using hammers, batons and other tools. They then pulled dumpsters into the street and started a fire. read more

16 Comments on Nearly half of Portland Antifa Inauguration Day riot arrestees were arrested at riots last year

  1. Keep your eyes on Tacoma WA in the next few days. A bunch of teens and twenty somethings were racing and doing burnouts at intersections downtown, cops were called, crowd started beating in the cops SUV, windows broke and the cop (allegedly) drove threw the raging crowd and ran over several people. I saw a couple tweets that made it sound like the cop SUV was stolen. Anyway, expect AntiFa and pals to riot and ruin Tacoma next.

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  3. Remember our new dear leader Kamala said it wasn’t going to stop even after the electio, and it shouldn’t .

    So can we impeach her for causing these “erections” Mr. Chuckles?


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