Nebraska GOP votes to rebuke Sen. Ben Sasse, but stops short of formal censure – IOTW Report

Nebraska GOP votes to rebuke Sen. Ben Sasse, but stops short of formal censure

Just The News-

Nebraska Republicans have voted to rebuke Sen. Ben Sasse, a frequent critic of Donald Trump and a potential 2024 presidential candidate, but stopped short of approving a formal censure.

The state party’s vote Saturday on a resolution entitled “Expression of Disappointment” gave Trump loyalists and state party faithful a vehicle to unleash a torrent of complaints about Sasse including that he has:

  • “publicly professed his refusal to vote for Donald Trump in 2016, which if broadly followed would have resulted in Hillary Clinton’s judicial appointees coming before the Senate Judiciary Committee”
  • “been silent about 200 lawsuits across the country filed by Democrats seeking the elimination of security protocols for mail in ballots”
  • “been silent on the closure of major industries and initiatives that previously benefited the people of Nebraska” MORE

9 Comments on Nebraska GOP votes to rebuke Sen. Ben Sasse, but stops short of formal censure

  1. Gutless fukin wimps.

    Sasse’s the human equivalent of the tapeworm – thriving in the fetid, rotting guts of the nation – DC – consuming the substance of America and excreting poison.

    Tarred and feathered and ridden out of Nebraska on a rail would be more fitting.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anyone that has an elected or appointed position in the republican party is a con man.
    You can bet that when sasse is up for re-election, this entity will endorse him in the primary.

    There is no such thing as working for the people who elected you in the Republican party. There is only go along to get along and make sure that ‘THEY’ don’t say anything bad about you

  3. “…and a potential 2024 presidential candidate.”
    I watched President Trumps speech yesterday. “sASSe” doesn’t stand a chance as a presidential candidate. He doesn’t stand a chance for re-election for his current Senate seat.


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