USPS spent $110 million reprocessing mail they had misrouted over seven months in 2020 – IOTW Report

USPS spent $110 million reprocessing mail they had misrouted over seven months in 2020

Just The News:

This week, our award is going to the United States Postal Service (USPS) for spending $110 million over seven months in 2020 attempting to reprocess, rehandle, and redirect misrouted mail.

According to an inspector general report released last week, a recent audit of the mail agency identified “misrouted mail as the number one cause for service failure.” Three of the inspector general’s main recommendations suggest just how avoidable most of last year’s misrouted mail mishaps really were.

First, the inspector general suggests that management provide written reminders to employees to “remove old routing labels from mail trays and bags before reuse” lest packages end up, predictably enough, at the wrong place. read more

15 Comments on USPS spent $110 million reprocessing mail they had misrouted over seven months in 2020

  1. How many people received bad credit scores because credit card bills/payments arrived late or didn’t arrive at all? I know of at least two bills that arrived at my mailbox WAY past the payment deadline. In each case we called the company and cleared the late payment record. They were reasonable to deal with because they knew there were so many post office screw-ups.

  2. After marking numerous envelopes ‘not at this address’ and putting them back in the mail, I finally marked ‘xxxxxxx county jail, soon to be Oregon State prison’ which I knew of his new address simply by watching local news.

  3. I have stories. LOTS of stories.
    A recent one was a couple of greeting cards ‘disappearing’ because they were hoping to steal cash or gift certificates. And strangely, a couple of postal workers got fired that same month in Las Vegas.
    I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

  4. Two things:

    1) I have driven by at least 3 USPS facilities that have professionally printed signs that say ‘Heroes Work Here!’
    Obviously they don’t know what the word ‘hero’ means.

    2). I am expecting a package and have tracked it. It originated in Utah. Made it to Richmond VA then it was sent to Illinois. Back to Richmond and is supposedly now in Beaverdam VA, which is where I live.

  5. “How many people received bad credit scores because credit card bills/payments arrived late or didn’t arrive at all?”

    People still actually use the mail for that?

  6. FWIW, I’ve had far more problems with packages shipped by Fedex than by USPS, UPS running about the same as the post office (but doesn’t seem to be as popular for online stuff as Fedex so it’s not as good a comparison).

    None of them are perfect, but given a choice I usually use the postal service and almost never Fedex or UPS for a number of different reasons with reliability being among them.

  7. End junk mailouts. End predatory lenders sending out packed envelopes too big to shred. Raise the rates on Amazon.

    Overtime will drop when they’re not wasting time stopping to drop off Capital One, AAA, and AARP garbage to everyone.

  8. Much of it depends on how libtard an office is. The more libtard it is the more people they have that refuse to learn how to do their job or are too stupid to do their job or too lazy to do their job.
    I know of a local carrier who was in the lazy category, all of his mail he had to deliver by getting out of his vehicle and walking to the porch/front door he was sending back as vacant residence. The management didn’t figure it out until some old man who had lived at the same residence for over 40 years came and complained that he had not received mail for 3 months. Then they discovered what he had been doing and now all of that mail had been destroyed and then time spent making sure all of those addresses were put back on active.
    They tried to fire him but the union fought for him and he kept his job, so then they tried to suspend him without pay and again the union fought and prevented that from happening. When you live in small communities you learn things about everyone, including the local gossip at post offices.
    If you took unions out of USPS, it probably would run smoother because then they could get rid of useless carriers, but then you’d also have the problem of horrible supervisors and post masters who only got their job because they had a vagina, the right skin color or liked having sex with the same sex who would run off the good carriers.

    I’m actually lucky and have a good postmaster and good rural carrier, the only screwups are those made before they get to this post office.

    Fed-Ex sucks around here, they lose shit all the time or the driver doesn’t deliver or delivers to the wrong house or leaves packages at the mailbox on the dirt road where it gets stolen.
    Amazon, who I rarely order from because I hate, but sometimes I’m left with no choice, suck about as bad as Fed-Ex and lose my shit, take forever to deliver my shit or leave it at the mailbox.
    UPS was good for a long time when we had the same driver, then he quit and it sucked for awhile, but now we’ve got another decent driver. For awhile though they were really ticking me off, throwing packages wherever they felt like it, including getting in my vehicles and leaving them there, opened packages were a huge problem then, along with shit broke and tore up or half the shit missing.

    The problem imo is society in general, they don’t care, they’re lazy, they’re stupid and frankly just useless humans.

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