Nebraska Lawmaker, Wearing Rags, Calls U.S. Flag a Rag and Compares It to Swastika – IOTW Report

Nebraska Lawmaker, Wearing Rags, Calls U.S. Flag a Rag and Compares It to Swastika


Nebraska State Sen. Ernie Chambers is taking criticism for calling the American flag a “rag” and comparing it to the Nazi swastika.

Chambers (I) made the comments Tuesday as he spoke out against a state bill that would update civics requirements for students.

“I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me,” Chambers said in reference to the flag. “When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika, when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.”


Who voted in this stumblebum?


40 Comments on Nebraska Lawmaker, Wearing Rags, Calls U.S. Flag a Rag and Compares It to Swastika

  1. And no White person stopped him from talking, assaulted him, or hindered him in any way; he is under no threat of prosecution at the hands of the State for what he said. He enjoys the same protection under the Law as every White citizen and he is free to live his life in any manner he chooses.

    But he thinks he’s “oppressed.” The symbol of his protection and his liberty is a “rag” to him.

  2. This is why there’s a big “N” on their football teams name….stands for Knowledge….that’s an old joke… I guarantee you this mother fucker has never been west of Omaha and is probably from Chicago

  3. I’m getting so sick and tired of these commie MOFO’s that want to turn MY country in to a third world shithole that if we ever have the spark that ignites a CIVIL WAR I’d drag my gimped up old veteran ass out of the house and do every thing I can to help the cause! Fuckit! I’m ready now, I may not have much time left on this planet so I’ll give it my all for as long as I can!

  4. Omaha is my guess. I suspect the rest of the state is red rural. Commonsense folk.

    Let me enlighten you mr. chambers.
    There is a great big wonderful world out there and I’m sure that it would be best for all of us if you would emigrate to a great African nation that is starving for your intellect. You are not compelled to bow, worship, or respect that rag that represents the sacrifice otheirs have made in order for you to flap yo ignorant lips.
    Move to whichever nation you choose.
    Please leave during black history month.
    Time’s running out. Hurry.

  5. And to think guys and gals like him are actually elected, sometimes by popular vote. We have a problem in this country and it will take more than a couple election cycles to fix it.

  6. I know ernie, I’ve talked to ernie, ernie is a moron. ernie is filled with hate for white people. ernie went to Creighton law school as an AA student, took the bar exam 3 times, couldn’t pass it. I consider him the obozo of Omaha.

  7. @ PHenry – We have to start calling it ‘Pocket’ thinking.

    What is but a pocket but a ‘fairly small’ part of the entire whole, in this case a city in the mid-west, Omaha.

    Then we have much larger pockets on the east and left coast. The planners used to call them the Megalopolis’ that would stretch from Boston to DC. In Cali, the modern one, is from San Fran to LA, Seattle to Salem is another.

    The larger fabric is what is generally worn. And speaking of worn, we are tattered at the pockets and the shirt the sleeve cuffs the pants pocket ARE WORN.

    POTUS DJT is the our new Betsy Ross, stitching away…

  8. @brig glover
    Virginia is now nothing but pockets that been electorally enlarged by a corrupt judiciary that has hyper gerrymandered us into an incomprehensible mess and an insurmountable electoral deficit.

    I don’t see a way out of this.

    It’s demoralizing.

    Look at us, America. We’ve got democrats top to bottom that wore KKK hoods, blackface, and the black guy isa sex offender. All untouchable. This is what one party rule gets you. And there ain’t shit we can do about it.

  9. Sadly, the number of blithering idiot, America hating fools elected to public office appears to be increasing.
    Which also confirms the increasing number of fools allowed to vote.
    Not good for a free & prosperous future in America.

  10. North Omaha is a smaller version of South Chicago. When I was stationed at Offutt AFB in 1976/77, I joined the base military funeral squad. We performed a funeral in North Omaha for a black WWI veteran. During the rehearsal, the head of the detail had the seven man rifle team line up in a certain spot to perform the 21 gun salute immediately after taps was played. The cemetery was on the side of a steep hill and when the rifle team turned to fire off the volley of shots, they were aiming just above the heads of the attendees. They scattered like quail, not knowing we were firing blanks. It was unintended but humorous when looking back.

  11. Patty Henry – not sure what to do. Have to see what happens after 2020. I still have younger troops so I want them to get a bit older, through HS, before we bug out. We live in a ‘pocket’ within a pocket believe it or not. SURROUNDED.

    2024 will be a complete shitshow. After that is what we have to be prepared for.

    We remember traveling through Jefferson and Monroe country and really liked it, never mind the Shenandoah in the Autumn, beautiful but ‘maybe too blue these days to retire to??’

    Convince me otherwise!


  12. “Virginia is now nothing but pockets that been electorally enlarged by a corrupt judiciary that has hyper gerrymandered us into an incomprehensible mess and an insurmountable electoral deficit.”

    Hold my beer…

  13. An angry, ignorant man jealous of anything representing the normal he never will have. On top of that, he’s an evil, indoctrinated commie. The “rag” protects his right to be all of the above – what irony.

  14. GTFO

    “A Toast to the Flag”
    by John J. Daly – 1917

    Here’s to the red of it–
    There’s not a thread of it,
    No, nor a shred of it
    In all the spread of it
    From foot to head.
    But heroes bled for it,
    Faced steel and lead for it,
    Precious blood shed for it,
    Bathing it Red!

    Here’s to the white of it–
    Thrilled by the sight of it,
    Who knows the right of it,
    But feels the might of it
    Through day and night?
    Womanhood’s care for it
    Made manhood dare for it,
    Purity’s prayer for it
    Keeps it so white!

    Here’s to the blue of it–
    Beauteous view of it,
    Heavenly hue of it,
    Star-spangled dew of it
    Constant and true;
    Diadems gleam for it,
    States stand supreme for it,
    Liberty’s beam for it
    Brightens the blue!

    Here’s to the whole of it–
    Stars, stripes and pole of it,
    Body and soul of it,
    O, and the roll of it,
    Sun shinning through;
    Hearts in accord for it,
    Swear by the sword for it,
    Thanking the Lord for it,
    Red White and Blue!

  15. He may be better than you think.

    A friend is a reporter here in SD. He’s from nebraska and knew Chambers well. This is what Shad Olson has to say. It may enlighten you all.
    Shad Olson
    3 hrs ·
    Ernie Chambers thinks the United States flag is exactly like the Swastika. Cue the outrage. I wish you could hear me laughing.
    Old Ernie Chambers is at it again. I love him for it and more than that, I miss talking to him. And before you take his name in vain, realize that Ernie Chambers is one of two men who have come the closest in your lifetime to proving that the most lucrative business in America and the world is selling abducted children for sexual fun and profit and that the entire operation is run by the United States government. If you care about the sex crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jeffery Epstein and the whole lot of the Luciferian pedophiles that rule and reign in our midst, you are and should be a lifelong fan of Ernie Chambers. Do I have your attention now? More about that in a minute.
    One of the most intelligent and interesting men I’ve ever had privilege to know is in the headlines today, as he so frequently has been for 50 years, for saying things that are just as frequently misunderstood and more often than that, misquoted intentionally in attempt to destroy. As a native Nebraskan, I can tell you that for a great many people who call themselves Republicans, hating Democrat State Senator Ernie Chambers has been a lifetime past time as rich with tradition as loving Nebraska football. The former is not a past time I share.
    Ernie Chambers hasn’t been rattling the rafters and shaking the establishment in Lincoln since 1970 because he’s stupid, or unpatriotic. Quite the contrary. Regardless of what a bunch of flyby blogs and “conservative outposts” are telling you today.
    They should be embarrassed for incompetence. I’m about to tell you why.
    While Senator Chambers and I disagree politically on many things, I can also tell you that he is and has been on a great many occasions, the conscience of the Nebraska Unicameral and as true and pure a civil libertarian as anyone could hope to meet. He rose to prominence condemning the Vietnam war as a disingenuous profiteering police action with muddled objectives and worse execution that enriched corporations while butchering a generation and dividing a nation. At the time, it was a hellishly unpatriotic opinion. History proves he was right.
    He has been a staunch critic of the American prison system and drug war as a corporatist factory scam that ensnares and embitters young men and creates career criminals out of fostered addiction rather than rehabilitating broken lives. For a great long time, it’s been a “radical” viewpoint. History proves he is right.
    Ernie Chambers was speaking publicly from the Unicameral floor about the CIA trafficking cocaine and heroin into America’s inner cities at a time when that viewpoint wasn’t just unpatriotic, it was grounds for involuntary committal to a mental institution. Thousands called for it and accused him of being insane. Last year, they made a movie about the things Ernie Chambers was alleging, called American Made, starring Tom Cruise. Are you sensing a pattern?
    And we haven’t even gotten to the juicy stuff…until now.
    In 1984, Senator Chambers exposed an embedded corruption between bankers and government in the savings and loan crisis that convicted an attorney general of perjury and fraud, shook the entire Nebraska elite power structure to the foundations and placed a long mirror before a crony Republican establishment saturated in graft.
    In that process, and along with the late Republican Senator John DeCamp, Ernie Chambers helped drag the grotesque reality of illuminati child sex trafficking into broad daylight, exposing abusers, pimps, procurement and placement networks that ran from the Nebraska School for the Deaf to Boystown U.S.A. to Offutt Airforce Base to Andrew’s AFB in Washington D.C. (and all the way to the White House) in a Satanic ritualustic pedophile ring that to this very day is only now being understood by the edges of the mainstream. The crimes that broke wave sent the most prominent black Republican in the nation to federal prison for embezzlement and money laundering.
    Lawrence King was the bigger than life, operatic baritone-bag man, the money man, the fixer and procurer who helped shuttle Boystown boys and girls from Omaha, Nebraska to Bohemian Grove and to Washington D.C. for sex parties in the very holy of holies of our most powerful institutions. Lawrence King helped wash all that dirty callboy and snuff party pedophile cash through his Franklin Federal Credit Union and took about $50-million of it for himself in the process.
    The long unveiling of that horror began during my childhood in my home state with the collapse of Franklin Federal Credit Union and Commonwealth Savings and Loan, which were at the time the money laundering headquarters for the entire child sex trafficking network. (I’ve written about all this previously and will again at another time. If you haven’t heard of it, read The Franklin Coverup by John DeCamp. It is absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in the true sacrament of pedophilia and child sacrifice that exists as the capstone of this American government that only now is being dismantled by the Trump administration.) Paging Robert Kraft….
    In the early 1980’s, Ernie Chambers championed and defended the Constitutional rights of my parents and other Nebraska homeschool families to defy the Department of Education, withdraw from government schools and teach their children at home, something he would tell you that every family of means and opportunity should undertake as a sacred trust. John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute was our lead attorney. John DeCamp and Ernie Chambers were foot soldiers in the Unicameral fighting the long battle finally ended in 1987.
    And so, once again, Ernie Chambers is in the news today for comparing the American flag to the flag of Hitler in Nazi Germany, during a discussion about civics instruction in Nebraska public schools. And a great many patriots are beside themselves and outraged, sharing posts of “I declare!” because they have absolutely no idea who Ernie Chambers is, or what he is saying. So allow me to translate:
    “Get your children the hell out of government controlled indoctrination center slave factories and stop expecting that by forcing them to adopt symbols of patriotism and love of “government” that your children’s federally selected, federally mandated, federally bought and paid for curriculum will ever be anything other than weaponized thought programming meant to destroy the mind of the child, detach them from parents, and point them toward the nearest penitentiary. Stop believing that without halting the massive influx of federal education dollars and aid to state schools that you will ever again have LOCAL CONTROL over your children’s minds. YOU NEVER WILL.”
    I think that’s about right. I know that’s what he would say, because I’ve heard him say exactly that. Federal education aid doled out to the states is nothing more than federal dollars allocated in any other programmatic on the menu of “government services.” It is the punchcard that allows Washington D.C. to dictate that your children are taught to be bootlicking Communist toadies that would make either Hitler or Stalin very, very proud.
    It’s not the patriotic viewpoint. But again….Chambers is absolutely right. History is proving it, if Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has hasn’t already, nearly singlehandedly.
    If you believe that public education under federal control will ever be anything other than an anti-American bilge factory that produces Alexandria Ocasio Cortez level intelligence for the destruction of America, you’re foolish.
    So, post away about Ernie Chambers and his shocking words about “the flag,” taken entirely out of context. I know the man and I know better. I also know that the State Senator who has worn torn up t-shirts and sweatshirts to the office since 1970 and once “sued God,” for natural disasters (to make a point on insurance law and companies who were using “acts of God to avoid payouts on damage claims) has forgotten more about manipulating media and getting angry people to go to school on topic than anyone writing about him will ever learn. As a young reporter in Nebraska, I knew him and enjoyed him as the brightest mind this side of Medal of Honor winner and former U.S. Senator Bob Kerry. I respect them both. Even Bob Kerry would tell you that Ernie is smarter and more quotable.
    If I had to trust one single American politician this side of Rand Paul or Donald Trump to tell me the truth on one single question, I’d choose Ernie Chambers. He is Mark Twain in a cutoff sweatshirt.
    So, if you’re angry about what he said, know that Ernie Chambers wanted you to be and is laughing because he knows that you are. And he’s also hopeful that before he’s finished making you mad, you’ll realize that it’s not him, but American public education that has been unamerican for 60 years. And that while unorthodox in method and message, Ernie Chambers is more American than the pledge of allegiance. He hates the federal government for a host of valid reasons, not the least of which is because the government has fooled a whole lot of you into confusing the government with the nation.
    So, old Ernie Chambers has your attention. Join the club. Now, go do your homework. A state senator in a single chamber legislature in a flyover state known mostly for football and corncobs just rang the school bell.
    Oh…and did I mention he’s African American? It’s probably because in 1970’s Nebraska, that term didn’t exist and nobody ever mentioned he was black.
    He was just Ernie Chambers. And he still is.

  16. Charlie WalksonWater: with all due respect to you, and I did read your entire article, there are no mitigating circumstances which would allow me to tolerate acceptance of such a statement as he has most recently made. He has equated our flag with that of nazi germany. For this egregious offense, regardless of his prior statements or positions, and whether they are generally accepted or not, he should apologize or leave.

  17. If Chambers is so smart then it’s he who should be able to draw the distinction between the corrupt government and the symbolism of the flag. He’s isn’t the only person who’s aware of the rampant evil goings on by those in government and we don’t need him insulting us to bring awareness to it.

  18. “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    (dead white dude)

    A principle is a principle even in a hurricane.
    Or it isn’t.

    If we approve of 1 extra-Constitutional murder; we approve of all.
    “Hooray for me and fuck you!” is dangerous to our comity.
    When we abandon our principles in the name of expedience, we may find ourselves principally and expediently abandoned.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. Charlie Walksonwater, or what ever you are calling yourself.

    I don’t live in South Dakota, I live in Nebraska, in the same town, allegedly, as Chambers.

    Ernie Chambers is, and has always been a racist piece of shit. And he will never change.

  20. @Charlie
    Your friend wrote a glowing opinion piece on ernie that doesn’t quite ring true. I will address a few points.

    In 1970 it was hard to find anyone who thought the vietnam war was a good idea so his opinions were mainstream.

    In the sex trafficking scandal it was John DeCamp who brought that to light and John DeCamp never again held elected office. The kids that blew the whistle met with a high mortality rate. If you believe the sex trafficking scandal was true (and I do) ernie has stayed in office and done nothing to stop it.

    I find it hard to believe that ernie is a champion of home schooling when a few years ago he introduced a bill to
    re-segregate the public schools.

    The bottom line is the lives of the people that voted for ernie have not improved. ernie is the only state senator to have his own tv show and he uses that to spread his racial hatred and spout his own ignorance.

    As a person that spends far to much time in north Omaha, I can tell you that conditions there have gotten far worse in the last 50 years. Thats my opinion.


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