Nebraska Man Indicted By Grand Jury For Shooting BLM Attacker, Commits Suicide – IOTW Report

Nebraska Man Indicted By Grand Jury For Shooting BLM Attacker, Commits Suicide

Legal Insurrection

Back in May, a Nebraska man named Jake Gardner was allegedly assaulted, along with his elderly father, by Black Lives Matter protesters outside their family-owned bar.

In the scuffle, Gardner shot and killed a young black man named James Scurlock, who had reportedly climbed onto his back and put him in a choke hold.

Charges against Gardener were not pursued on the grounds of self-defense, but now a grand jury has reversed that decision and indicted Gardner. More

26 Comments on Nebraska Man Indicted By Grand Jury For Shooting BLM Attacker, Commits Suicide

  1. “…intent to use a firearm for purposes of killing someone.”

    Well WTF would be another purpose with a gang attacking your business and violently assaulting you?

    Why dance around, just come out and say it, we’ve been cowed by violent blacks and are going to punish any white person who stands up and defends himself and his property.

    The country has gone fucking crazy. My admonition to live in areas that are bereft of diversity shouldn’t be any clearer with examples like this. Your life, your choice.

    God speed dude.

  2. …if you’ve ever been on a jury, you’ve seen the dynamic by which the loudest Black person steers it to the Blackest conclusion if anything about Blacks is mentioned, so not surprised, especially from a GRAND jury because they generally do what the prosecuter wants to do anyway…

  3. The DA killed him.

    We have to listen to mathew shepard bullshit and pretend like he wasn’t killed by another homo in a bad drug deal, and then we have to pretend like the DA didn’t kill Jake Gardner.

    Kyle Rittenhouse and Jake Gardner are two very brave and good men.

  4. Brad SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 12:19 PM
    “The DOJ really needs to step in and investigate this.”

    …you think they’re gonna wake Barr up for ACTUAL justice stuff? No, they want him to be fresh to pursue the next Trump/Russia collusion lie here in about a couple months, or maybe he needs the beauty sleep so he’ll look better on camera when he recuses himself from it in favor of Special Proscecuter Kathy Griffin…

  5. Supernightshade

    I would wait until post election to judge Barr. Maybe wishful thinking, but we will see. Right now the DOJ is the only Federal Law Enforcement agency that seems to be working on behalf of the people. The FBI,CIA,DHS, and any other three letter agency you can think of needs to be destroyed.

    On a side note, have you noticed how quite the usual suspects in Hollyweird have become?

  6. The DA folded and abandoned his responsibilities because a a few coordinated complaints. The DA is just flat out lying about not having all the facts at the beginning. I’m not sure how you go about removing a DA in Nebraska but this coward (and I’m being charitable when I call him a coward instead of color bias) needs to be publically removed from office.

    Barr ought to be investigating this suicide because you damn well know if the colors were reversed he’d have a team down there in no time.

  7. Hollyweird is far from quiet, put Brietbart on your list. These fuckers can’t shut up. Or Doug Ross runs with 20 tweets a day and half are usually those idiots threatening to burn it down.

    Suggesting to remove DAs ala Henry Bowman isn’t a good idea to do here…or did I misinterpret that? Not that the thought hasn’t crossed my mind.

  8. “Hollyweird is far from quiet”

    Really? Ron Pearlman, Robert No Dinero, Alyssa Milano, Tom Arnold, and many more, including Kathy Griffin. Crickets. Especially at a time when they should have their mouths, and key boards in hyper drive.

  9. No not crickets. If you put BB on your reading list as
    I suggested, it’s packed with celebs losing their minds on a daily basis. AAMOF last night was the Enneys which BB ran a story about and plenty of burning hair was happening. Try a little reading for comprehension…slick.

    As for your other ideas. Being that I’m not a mind reader, no “other” ideas were offered and so it appeared to be an open ended threat. I qualified that assumption by asking if I misinterpreted that.

    Rather than say yes and offer one of these other ideas(which I would have been interested in hearing), you went full swarmy. Never go full swarmy…slick.

  10. If anybody went swarmy here, it was you, again.

    I think the average law abiding citizen, like myself, was thinking “Recall Campaign”. That sends a huge message. I’m not sure where your minds at.

  11. Wait. So the body was found outside on the ground just lying there?
    Did anyone SEE the suicide? Where did the bullet penetrait the body??

    BLM activists have been calling for violence against him since May so how do we know he wasn’t murdered???

  12. A couple weeks ago a commenter called ‘Bad_Brad’ declared that he had too much honor to comment here any longer. Now there’s a commenter here named ‘Brad’ that seems to want to name call, insult and bully just like the above mentioned too much honor guy…..Creative little puddle duck, Ain’t he?….My sympathies MMinAR….

  13. And here’s Willy being the little dick fagot as always. You are one chicken shit key board warrior pal. You are infatuated with me aren’t you? We should really meet sometime. You’d dig it.

  14. Oh my!….I merely made a comment about what I saw as would be ‘commenters’ and it became personal to ME?….Where’s the honor in that?….There’s a greater participation of commenters here when you and I shut up or when you and who ever else you want to pick shit up with shuts up…..I’ll shut up if you’ll do the same, though I’m addicted to this site because it’s almost perfect. I’ll shut up except for contests and humor posts if you just shut up 50% of the time or better….DEAL?….Doesn’t matter, I will because I said I would and I understand the meaning of honor….

  15. You read it and you know it….nanner nanner…..LOLOLOL…..

    PS….I’m glad you’re Bad_Brad again…..I just don’t know how else I would have known who you are….bless your heart….annnnnnd you’re wife says that rattle snake don’t hunt anymore…..OK, I quit…..LOLOL

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