Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks there’s a ‘very high’ chance the universe is just a simulation – IOTW Report

Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks there’s a ‘very high’ chance the universe is just a simulation

neil degrasse tyson spacey

BI: We trust the scientists around us to have the best grasp on how the world actually works.

So at this year’s 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate at the American Museum of Natural History,  which addressed the question of whether the universe is a simulation, the answers from some panelists may be more comforting than the responses from others.  read more

33 Comments on Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks there’s a ‘very high’ chance the universe is just a simulation

  1. Tyson uses a thought experiment to imagine a life-form that’s as much smarter than us as we are than dogs, chimps, or other terrestrial mammals.

    “What would we look like to them? We would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence,” he says.

    He’s actually commenting on a topic he knows something about.

  2. Of course knowing the Affirmative Action Astrophysicist didn’t come up with this idea on his own. I’ve heard this idea discussed long before he come on the scene. It was originally associated with dream interpretations and their meanings.

  3. That means global warming does not exist. (One of his favorite causes.)
    And I can smoke pot and eat chocolate doughnuts with milk without consequences.
    Maybe this idiot is onto something.

  4. Well them can we all stipulate that all of Neils BS about global warming. Climate change/global cooling, .population explosion is just a figment of his imagination.

  5. deGassbag Tyson isn’t a real scientist, he is a affirmative action scientist.
    Says what his handlers tell him to say.
    He hasn’t an original thought in his nappy head.

  6. Yes Mr. Tyson, you are living in the Matrix. Now that you have made your suspicions public, Agents will soon be knocking on your door. Time to follow the White Rabbit and get the hell out of town.

  7. Claudia, you watched The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy one too many times to know that the answer is 42. Or was it 53 which is a prime number. And the mice that actually control the galaxy are smarter Tyson is. And I thought Carl Pagan was boring. Maybe when the Vogon constructor fleet comes to destroy the Earth to make room for a hyperspace bypass they can take him and the rest of his idiot minions out first.

  8. He musta seen “The Matrix” or some other sci-fi show and thought it was real.

    I knew a guy who thought that KITT (the car) in “Knight Rider” could really think and talk.

    Kneel Y’o Greasy Tyrone is one of THEM.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “Am I a man dreaming I’m a butterfly,
    or a butterfly – dreaming I’m a man?”

    What is reality?

    Particle – Wave duality?

    The Super Position Principle makes a lot of sense.
    String Theory makes a lot of sense.

    The simple fact of the matter (heh, heh) is that every theory (EVERY FUCKING THEORY) only applies to our perceived reality AFTER the BIG BANG!

    Think about it!

    Science has not a SINGLE CLUE as to the nature of the “universe” 1 (one) nano-pico-femto – second BEFORE the BIG BANG!

    And that is the question.
    Causality. Being. Existence.

    All else is ephemera.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. OK, this hologram crap has to stop.
    You cannot negate an organic Creator (God) and install a wise overlord Scientist in his place and retain any semblance of intellectual integrity.
    The solar system has intuitive resemblances to the imagined shape of an atom. Does that mean that the solar system is a giant atom and part of some larger molecule?
    I think not.
    The proper statement would be:
    “The pattern recognizing part of my brain imparts to me resemblances between the visible universe and a hologram; something I would devise had I the resources, leading me to believe that the two are similar”
    Insufferable ass, should stick to Academic Graft

  11. Neil Tyson Chicken “says he wouldn’t be surprised if we were to find out somehow that someone else is responsible for our universe” but I assume he rules out God.

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