The Green Agenda Elites Have Concocted Ways For Us to Die – IOTW Report

The Green Agenda Elites Have Concocted Ways For Us to Die

Watch the Neil Oliver video or read the text HERE at the Conservative Treehouse.

h/t Anymouse “This one will hopefully be passed around and go viral.”

10 Comments on The Green Agenda Elites Have Concocted Ways For Us to Die

  1. Just under twelve minutes to watch and longer to read as I reread parts of it. You Tube being blocked where I had first opportunity to view had me read it the first time through.

    The numbers quoted/reported on the assisted suicides in Canada surprised me…

    He covers a lot of ground and none of it warm and fuzzy.

  2. It’s a big mistake to help the process of reducing the excess population. Nature always finds a way to restore disturbed equilibriums without any assistance from us.

    On the other hand, I’m not ENTIRELY against the idea. We could start with the boardrooms of several hundred global corporations.

  3. Yes, please, Anymouse. And the politicians who got our politics involved with doctors and medical practice. And….

    (I have to shut-up now or I’ll get in trouble.)

  4. Huh?

    I thought the purpose of Euthanasia was designed by civilized societies as a polite, humane, personal choice for the growing population of self-centered, self-appointed elite with a peanut for a brain. This helps reduce the already dangerously growing overpopulation of these murdering, effete psychopaths. The other (and more highly popular) alternative, however, is to let them choose being torn to shreds by their starving and enraged victims throughout the world.

    There are just not enough good and loving people in this world for anybody else to consider such a fate for themselves.

  5. @anymouse

    Could be those people in Canada that got suicided just wanted to escape from the cold weather. They escaped to a cold hole in the ground. Mybe they should have tried a couple of weeks in Florida instead.

  6. So anyone who had an issue with me painting with a broad brush when I post that progressivism is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death like to resume the conversation in context of this?

    Not that it is any revelation to me, but it does validate what I have been saying for well over a decade. I’ll go further and say that it is not seen as a negative by anyone who supports the progressive movement. If you support and vote for it, you own it.


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