Neil Young Wants To Poop On Your 4th – IOTW Report

Neil Young Wants To Poop On Your 4th

Looking like a cat lady with sideburns, Neil Young has added to his cannon of annoying protest songs with, “The Children of Destiny.”
The Canadian rocker mixes images of children waving the red, white and blue with clips of the environment and apparently a city in ruins thanks to “bombs fall in the rain.”


What may have been substantive 50 years ago is now an incoherent screeching yearning for relevance.

37 Comments on Neil Young Wants To Poop On Your 4th

  1. I am a yuge Neil fan. When I play out, most of my covers are obscure Neil tunes. I have 90% of his released stuff and hundreds of hours of bootlegs. Met him once. But, when he went off the rails on the crazy train back when Dubya was preezie, I wrote him off. Then came his off-base environmental bullshit. Then he ruined his family with the Hannah thing. I love his music but f*ck his politics. He’s just an old man fading into the big sleep now.

  2. Remember right after 9/11 he put out a song called “Let’s Roll”. Then quickly abandoned that patriotic message and went even further looney left than he was during the Vietnam days. The man is psychotic.

  3. To be honest I thought he was dead. Oh well, if he can make himself a few bucks off some old hippies and some new snowflakes that can’t understand his lyrics then that’s better then wandering away mumbling to himself thinking he’s playing for the Buffalo Springfield again.

  4. Even back in the 70’s when I listened to him the lyrics indicated detachment from reality, “Cortez the Killer” comes to mind, those poor peaceful Aztec.

    But, if he’d keep his mouth shut and play, I still enjoy his 12 string.

  5. I often get asked to play Neil Young songs along with a few songs by other dickheads that hate my country. My response? I don’t play cover tunes written by American-hating, agenda-serving assholes. It’s that simple.
    Bluegrass Music = Soul music for white folks.

  6. Every time I see the dirt bag, I’m like:
    Hey Neil, you’re a millionaire, buy some fuckin’ new jeans and have somebody do something with that hay stack on your balding head.

  7. Sad that the Canadian guy had to attack America to make his ‘art’ relevant; Gordon Lightfoot didn’t need to do that to succeed. Maybe ole Neil is angry because he never got to appear on “The Pig and Whistle.”

  8. Neil young-cat Stevens- and others seem to be getting worse with age rather than better. he will go the way of the-monkeys-the yardbyrds- shaun Cassidy- and others-

  9. He was my first big time concert back in the 70’s but I also voted for Carter.
    Thank the Lord my brain stem finally connected and I voted for Reagan twice.

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