Neiman Marcus hires gun-sniffing dogs – IOTW Report

Neiman Marcus hires gun-sniffing dogs

It’s hard to decide which part of this story is more remarkable: that a Magnificent Mile department store now hires dogs to sniff customers for guns? That the guy who got busted by the canines this week was arrested seven months ago for having a pistol in another store nearby? Or that he was on electronic monitoring for allegedly attacking a security guard at yet another Mag Mile department store in January? We’ll let you decide.

Prosecutors say one of the gun-detecting dogs was on duty Monday afternoon when Derrick Latham, 23, walked into Neiman Marcus, 737 North Michigan. The pooch smelled a gun. more

23 Comments on Neiman Marcus hires gun-sniffing dogs

  1. …in Chicago, maybe it would make more sense if the dog alerts if he sniffs you and you DON’T have a gun. This means you are insufficiently armed to be outside your house so you must then buy a gun or be taken home in armed convoy to get yours.

  2. Yeah, not that I would be in a Neiman Fuckups, but my wife likes shitholes like Bath and Body Works, which I don’t enter (because my sinuses would bleed), and I have to stand in the corridor… the only guy standing outside the B&BWs wearing a suit with a bulge in his jacket. I think they all know, too.

  3. In Chicongo, crotch and gun sniffing dogs will only hit on innocent second amendment types. Big Mike, Barry the Fairy, and gang bangers sashay right on through. Can’t say I blame the dogs. Would you wanna sniff Barry’s bung or Big Mike’s crotch?

  4. I would absolutely take a swipe of gun powder and put it on my pants just to eff with these a-holes and occupy their time every day with a “no gun found” inspection of me.

    Nothing better than a jackboot that is SURE of something illegal is at hand only to be proven wrong.

    Soon it would be: Oh damn, here comes Dadof4. Even though we know nothing’s on him, we need to waste our time searching him.

    I would be laughing from the first minute to the last.

  5. …my dog’s a North American Chowhound…he’ll sniff out any food on you and knows the difference in sound between you getting lettuce or meat out of the refrigerator from the opposite side of the house in a dead sleep…so he’d be good if anyone tried to sneak a Slim Jim into NM, otherwise not much…

  6. Dadof4
    APRIL 7, 2022 AT 12:34 AM

    “Nothing better than a jackboot that is SURE of something illegal is at hand only to be proven wrong.”

    (Plants gun on Dadof4)



    We found him attenpting to draw this weapon on us. The video camera wasn’t working right, but I have 3 other officers to back me up. Tragedy was avoided today, we found an arsenal of guns and gunpowder at his house and have jailed his family pending an investigation.

  7. When the judge let this perp off with a $5,000 bail and he paid $500 to get his get out of jail free card, did the perp pay his bail with 5 one hundred dollar bills in counterfeit money? Or Monopoly money for that matter. The Judge is just as guilty or even more so for letting this perp walk out of jail pretty much Scot free till the next time he got busted by the Chicago cops.

  8. YES… Geoff the aardvark. Now two CHGO Judges let him go with a small bail. The first time he robbed a store while carrying a gun AND wearing an electronic monitoring device. WTF is going on in CHI? So this dude has been active on Michigan Ave for a long time robbing various dept. stores, and he gets a pass from the judicial system each time. IF he were white… he’d be in penned up at S. California Ave till his trial.

  9. How do they train the dogs not to flag armed plainclothes cops?

    What would happen if I cleaned the nail clippers on my key chain with Hoppe’s 9?

    Speaking of Hoppe’s 9, it might be entertaining to splash a little on the floor outside some of the store’s entrances.


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