NEIN! German parliament rejects mandatory COVID shots for elderly – IOTW Report

NEIN! German parliament rejects mandatory COVID shots for elderly

BERLIN, April 7 (Reuters) – Germany’s lower house of parliament on Thursday voted against a bill requiring anyone aged 60 and over to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in a defeat for Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Germany’s vaccination campaign is faltering with around 76.6% of Germany’s population having received at least one dose – lower than the more than 80% in other western European countries such as France, Italy and Spain.

In an attempt to avoid another wave of the virus in the autumn, the cross-party proposal required citizens aged 60 and over to be vaccinated from Oct. 15.

Daily infections are at a high level in Germany but have dipped in the last week or so, with 201,729 new cases reported on Thursday. read more

7 Comments on NEIN! German parliament rejects mandatory COVID shots for elderly

  1. Sounds like a lot of the German legislators are actually keeping up with how ineffective the clot shots really are at preventing COVID as well as deaths from it and trying to do what’s right for the people they represent. Right now in Australia, 80% of the supposed COVID deaths are among the “vaccinated” with a huge spike in case numbers and deaths that is far higher than when the chyna virus first hit.

    And in the UK, it is being reported that 90+% of the deaths from COVID are vaccinated. It has become more than obvious that the “vaccine” provides practically no real benefit (other than exorbitant profits for the manufacturers and “investors” like US legislators and bureacrats like Fauci) while greatly increasing health / death risks from the well documented side effects. And our govt. is still forcing unvaccinated people out of the work force in various occupations (medical and armed services) where they have control.

    I think the majority of the deaths reported in the US are actually murders by Fauci’s medical mandates of destroying people’s organs with remdesivir and finishing them off with ventilators (you apparently get the same murderous treatment whether you’re vaxxed or not). As far as I can tell, the US is the only western country that is still using this deadly form of treatment. Considering history, who would have thought that the Germans would treat their people more humanely than the US? Lara Logan was right to compare Fauci to the nazi doctor, Josef Mengele.

  2. My parents are in their 90’s. Thank god at their last check up their dr didn’t push a 4th shot on them. I read today the 4th booster lasts a whole friggin MONTH. They don’t need it-Dad had an adverse reaction to the 3rd one (timed too close to his flu shot imho).

    Yet, Dad said if the VA calls about a 4th booster he’ll do what they advise. No, please don’t. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  3. Isn’t it obvious now that the vaxes corrupt your immune system and that ADE is real? If you’re ‘vaccinated,’ you are now MORE likely to contract the virus and also die from it.

    We were discussing this in 2020 during the first year as the details of the mRNA ‘vaccines’ first came out. And we were right.

    You know they’ll go back to the whole charade again if it suits them…

    It’s just a matter of time.

  4. ANYTHING the gov’t FORCES you to do is NOT for your benefit!
    This should be a no-brainer for any rational human, but alas!, it eludes many.
    Force isn’t necessary if you are to benefit and you’ve come to that conclusion.

    Pay your taxes or go to jail! You KNOW taxes are not for your benefit.
    Get Vaxxed or be fined/imprisoned! You KNOW the vax isn’t for your benefit.
    Criticize perverted freaks and have your “freedom of speech” shut down! You KNOW the perverted freaks aren’t simply seeking acceptance – otherwise they’d invite debate – they are demanding your acquiescence and your participation in their aberrant delusion.

    “that government is best which governs least”
    (dead white dude)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. YET,
    Canuckistan is reportedly trying to make 3 shots “Fully Vaxed” with #4 as Boosted.

    My motherfucker is on Time Delay. He bought 400 million doses and only has 38 million people to stick. (10.5 shots each)

  6. My dad who was almost 89 and my mom who was just short of 93 both passed away 4 years ago. I don’t think they would believe what has happened to this country in just 4 short years since their passing. In a way I’m glad they didn’t live long enough to see what has happened to America under Biden and the democraps. And my dad’s oldest brother who was 99 and a half when he died 4 years ago and was born in Sept. 1918 2 months before World War 1 ended and was a lifelong FDR democrat wouldn’t know what to think. Hell, i don’t even know what to think except that I hate joey and the democraps and all rest of their evil ilk who are doing their damndest to destroy this country as it was founded. God help us, man sure as hell won’t.


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