Epoch Times: The wife of a high-ranking Justice Department official handed her husband a dossier of research on former Trump-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in December 2016, according to FBI documents released on Aug. 8.
Nellie Ohr, the wife of Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, gave him a report titled “Manafort Chronology.” Bruce Ohr gave the report to the FBI on Dec. 19, 2016.
Nellie Ohr compiled the Manafort report as part of her work for Fusion GPS. The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) paid Fusion GPS $1 million to conduct opposition research on then-candidate Donald Trump. Fusion GPS hired Nellie Ohr to conduct open-source opposition research in 2015.
The revelation about the Manafort report is part of a batch of FBI documents memorializing the bureau’s interviews with Bruce Ohr. Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained the documents (pdf) as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the bureau.
“These new Bruce Ohr FBI 302s show an unprecedented and irregular effort by the FBI, DOJ, and State Department to dig up dirt on President Trump using the conflicted Bruce Ohr, his wife, and the Clinton/DNC spies at Fusion GPS,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. more here
Quick…put her on suicide watch!
ALL these mutherphukers need to die. Rope needed now!
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
She looks the part. A frumpy old hippie with hairy armpits and poor grooming habits who seldom bothers to change her shabby clothes.
She finds a nearly blind misshapen headed oriental man with similar views to marry and spend careers subverting the government.
A real cute couple.
She also gave them a wonderful recipe for rhubarb pie!
A mannish commie woman.
How unusual
Where is Barr? If they want to do something they are running out of time. If Trump loses the next election there will be dumpster fires all over DC and America might be lost forever barring a bloody revolution.
A matching pair of silver bracelets should be in her future!