“Neo-Nazis” Stage March on Wisconsin Capital – IOTW Report

“Neo-Nazis” Stage March on Wisconsin Capital

The Jerusalem Post

A group of neo-Nazis in Madison, Wisconsin, on Saturday afternoon were reportedly seen carrying flags with swastikas, according to local sources.

Around 20 people carried Nazi flags and walked up the Wisconsin State Capitol’s State Street before heading to James Madison Park for a neo-Nazi rally. More

13 Comments on “Neo-Nazis” Stage March on Wisconsin Capital

  1. Middle Easterers carrying Nazi flags = Stunning And Brave Warriors For Justice.

    White people carrying Nazi flags = Goverment agents posing for Government media photo ops as “Ultra MAGA Extremeists”.

    ACTUAL Nazis – George Soros and his apprentice Democrats.

  2. Aaaaaaaaannnnd that’s why I call the democRAT party the National Socialist Party!
    They call Trump and MAGA “Nazis” to deflect from what THEY REALLY ARE!!
    I really don’t understand why itz called “Projection” when itz really DEFLECTION!

  3. What are the real numbers of those that hate America?

    The numbers have been skewed because the patriots have been shammed, slammed, coerced or otherwise pushed into believing they, (we), are grossly outnumbered and should remain silent and quietly accept our down-fall.

    WE are/have been relentlessly bullshitted….

    Once we unite, the haters will be vanquished.

  4. Harry Eyeball
    “I really don’t understand why itz called “Projection” when itz really DEFLECTION!”
    Some of it. But it amazingly 99% of the time when a Libtard accuses a conservative of doing something outrageous, it’s usually them that are doing exactly what they described. I’m talking 99% of the time. These are very evil people. I can’t wait for the shooting to start and believe me it’s coming. The new odds are it will start in Illinois. Soon.

  5. Oh come on man. We all know exactly who these fringe groups affiliate with. Sure in hell ain’t BLM or Antifa. Blond hair, blue eyes & just love the heck out of a wannabe fascist leader.


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