Net Zero’s dirty secret: Britain’s green transition is powered by Chinese coal – IOTW Report

Net Zero’s dirty secret: Britain’s green transition is powered by Chinese coal

Not a lot of people know that:
New Statesman analysis of climate and trade data exposes how much the UK’s net-zero agenda depends on cheap foreign coal power, particularly from China.

The UK’s top four trade partners are Germany, the US, China and the Netherlands. All four of these countries have a significantly larger share of coal-fired electricity in their energy supply than the UK does. This means that goods produced in factories in those countries will typically have a higher emissions footprint than those produced in UK factories. MORE

8 Comments on Net Zero’s dirty secret: Britain’s green transition is powered by Chinese coal

  1. Around 21,929 private jets currently operating in the world; Industry predictions estimate 6,362 new jets sales worth $217.5 billion between now & 2029.
    Seems the very wealthy aren’t really too concerned about THEIR carbon footprints.

  2. @Wild Bill,

    It’s a con-game, designed to enrich the politicians in charge. Too many naive, uninformed, willfully ignorant, delusionally indoctrinated people have no clue.

  3. Hey, it’s not as though we all share the earth’s atmosphere. So long as the environmental and air pollution happen in Asia, the west can happily virtue signal with their EVs, solar panels, and bird-killing windmills. And the feelings of the useless are all that matter…right?

  4. AND CANADIAN TREES from BC Canuckistan.

    The FuckTards are BURNING WOOD shipped British Columbia Under The Green Party Provincial Government and NOT Re-Planting the Lumber.



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