Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’ – IOTW Report

Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’

Daily Wire: A new corporate culture memo from Netflix is taking a hardline stance on attempts to silence artistic expression by warning those who are offended by the streaming service’s content that they may want to go find a job somewhere else.

Variety reports that the change in Netflix’s company culture appears to be in large part due to the backlash the streaming service faced from woke employees last year over its Dave Chappelle special, which the employees claimed was transphobic.

The updated Netflix Culture memo includes a new section called “Artistic Expression” that states that it will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees consider the content “harmful.”

“If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” the memo states, later adding that employees may be required to work on projects that they “perceive to be harmful” and that if they have a hard time accepting their work assignment, they might want to consider working somewhere else. MORE

13 Comments on Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’

  1. It’s long past due for corporations to tell the faggots and the ghetto trash to STFU & fuck off already. It’s not like those assholes are the ones making the money come in. In fact, their shitty agendas are alienating the most lucrative customer base, i.e. normal, sane people.

  2. Our federal government should make the same request to government employees who don’t like the Constitution of the United States. Seems they keep pushing against our freedoms.

  3. And they know exactly that, Abigail, which is why the Global Communist’s next step is politically-approved, globally-scoped, 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 fiat money.

    And by “Global Communists,” I include the FED and the CCP and many others.

  4. Going down, down down down… Jeff Beck says please! So what you think this fits into ur agenda! NOT! Think again mofo’s! Their corporate choices put their sorry asses right where there at. Just like the “Don” they wanna play a blame game into hell. LOSERS!

  5. Coof is Over, no captive audience, fees going up in a time of high inflation, their best programming (whatever that is) was Binged watched already & Competitors like Apple & whatever…

    I’m betting stormy seas for about 2 more years.

  6. No more stimmy easy money and the Biden inflation has eroded all the savings that people had so no we are back in reality where many can no longer afford their service and they have to actually provide a product people want. Amazing now that works.

  7. @Anonymous May 14, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    > where many can no longer afford their service and they have to actually provide a product people want

    Over a hundred years ago, slave “owners” in The United States lost that argument. Badly.

    > Amazing now that works

    Yet. Here you are.

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