Netflix Paying Obama To Conduct a Third Term as President – IOTW Report

Netflix Paying Obama To Conduct a Third Term as President


As BizPac Review has reported, Barack Obama wants to follow in the footsteps of President Trump by becoming a reality-TV star with Netflix, for which the Obamas will produce and appear in shows that will chronicle their lives after the White House.

While Obama does not necessarily plan to use the huge Netflix platform to criticize Trump, he does plan to discuss many of the issues he championed, including climate change, immigration, health care, voting rights, and foreign policy.

So in other words, Obama wants to continue his failed presidency to a third term via streaming video. And it’s no coincidence that this Netflix partnership was clinched just as we’re heading into the critical 2018 midterm elections.


26 Comments on Netflix Paying Obama To Conduct a Third Term as President

  1. After the shit I watched recently on Netflix, Dear White People. I’m going to cancel. It appears I’ve seen everything worth watching if I’m starting to watch that crap now and the Obama’s as producers just sealed that.

  2. What is up with these liberal sites refusing to let you go? I received an e-mail from Crapflix wanting me to come back. Not Happening. Tried to unsubscribe from their mailing list, nothing doing. After raising the monthly fee to pay Obozo, they’ll never have me as a customer.

  3. Netflix has jumped the shark. Their original programming is now littered with failed liberals, angry liberal ‘comedians’ and blatant leftist propaganda.

  4. I heard they were getting some real strong pushback on this. No surprise there. After spending eight years enduring his insufferable lectures and watching his flapping ears while delivering those lectures I want to puke at the thought of another second of it.

  5. While Obama does not necessarily plan to use the huge Netflix platform to criticize Trump, he does plan to discuss many of the issues he championed, including climate change, immigration, health care, voting rights, and foreign policy./b>

    I’m seeing this as an elaborate plan to put unregulated and unchallengeable dem campaigning for the 2018 (and 2020 if successful) elections. The best part is that the customers will be paying for this crap.

    And cfm990, situations like that are why e-mail filters were created; offensive e-mails go straight to the bit bucket.

  6. Nyetflix.
    They always wanted to be celebrities. It’s no surprise they found a way to stay on camera.
    They’ll be able to Alinsky it right up with this little deal.

  7. They have to keep getting these book,movie deals to justify the $$$$ that fell off
    the pallet in the air-iran flight. nice pile barry shame if somthin happened to it, right?

  8. Smells like a money laundering scheme. Paying Oblowme 50 mill to produce shows they know will only take in 10% of that? Sorta like publishers paying leftist tens of millions of dollars for worthless books publishers know will only rake in a few mil. Right Hillary?

  9. Yeah, sure he is. Where’s that goddam book he went to Tahiti to write? Where’s that Community Organizer Academy he promised? Where’s his gleaming new Presidential Center and Recording Studio/Basketball Court? As usual, he talks a grandiose vision which will be replaced by another grandiose scheme when he needs some fresh attention. If he manages to complete a pilot for Neflix, I will be shocked. And to be clear, a pilot episode may not consist, in part or in whole, of Barky and his dullard forever wife reading books to kids.


    Pleas “think again”. Why did CBS spend $hundreds of millions on “Mdm. Secretary”? And they were right; before she chickened out on the trip to talk to Mexico’s President she was leading in ALL polls; conservative polls had Don in the lead after her Mexico fiasco.

    Why did GWB have Johnny put McC/Feingold through? (GWB signed the bill as soon as it was passed. But he did it in an underground “bomb shelter” ; out of sight of the LSM so as not to show that the Rove/Bush machine was the power behind the law.).

    If CBS had not been so successful in getting Clinton nominated; and having he clearly in the lead – before Oct- Netflix would not be investing $millions (maybe $hundreds of millions if they run it over a year.)

    Everyone knew in ’14 that CBS was running Mdm Sec to give Clinton $millions of free adds! And it worked! Had she not chickened out on Mexico she may have won.

    We all know Netfli is doing this to push the Dem Party. But they think that like CBS they will have success getting folk to be Dem.

    The LSM is good at pushing Dem lies. They have had great success! In ’60 2 men got 49% of the vote! THE WINNER DID NOT GET A MAJORITY! But the LSM has told us for 67 years that the winner was very popular! Most people believe the BIG LIE! Because it has bee told over and over and over again; for 57 years!
    As a general rule, I did not say universal -I said general, the lies of the LSM frequently become accepted “facts” by most folk.


    The winner in ’60 had less than 50%. But most folk believe the LSM lie that he was popular!

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