Netflix Released This Chris Rock Special the Same Day as the Parkland Shooting – IOTW Report

Netflix Released This Chris Rock Special the Same Day as the Parkland Shooting

Was there nary a ripple?

Was there any outcry at all?

Did Netflix suffer for this? Did Chris Rock?


13 Comments on Netflix Released This Chris Rock Special the Same Day as the Parkland Shooting

  1. Yo Chris, all ya’ gots ta’ do is convince white mothers to emulate black culture and that will happen in a few years. Blacks don’t get shot dead because of the color of their skin, they get shot dead because of they have trouble committing crimes, hanging out with murderers and other pathologies that plague the black community.

  2. He wants whites to be as violent as blacks. Why doesnt he want to see black families together at the park? Or at a PTA meeting? Or in the Starbux bathrooms………..

  3. Scary that there are people dumb enough to
    hang on his every word.Vegas,Orlando,Parkland
    and Sante Fe were all most all white kids & people.

  4. Any troubles the black “community” has can be traced directly to its slavish support of the democrat party, Mr. Rock, not any conspiracy of “white people”.


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