Netherlands: Former MP commits suicide, says she was gang-raped by Muslims who asked, “Do you respect Allah?” – IOTW Report

Netherlands: Former MP commits suicide, says she was gang-raped by Muslims who asked, “Do you respect Allah?”

Jihad Watch-

In the Netherlands, a member of Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party, Willie Dille, has just committed suicide. She had been an MP, and recently had been a member of the city council in The Hague.

Willie made a last video, expressing her sorrow to her family, and explaining what led to her decision. She said that on March 15, 2017, a group of Muslims had kidnapped, repeatedly raped, and abused her. When they were done, they asked her: “Do you respect Muhammad? Do you respect Allah?” She claimed that they had been ordered to rape her by a former member of Wilders’ Party, one Arnoud van Doorn, who was Dille’s fellow member of the city council in The Hague, in order to frighten her into silence at meetings of the council.

Van Doorn is a bizarre figure. Once part of Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party, the party broke with Van Doorn in December 2011. In April 2012, Van Doorn announced his conversion to Islam.


7 Comments on Netherlands: Former MP commits suicide, says she was gang-raped by Muslims who asked, “Do you respect Allah?”

  1. People ask why are all of these Public Figures converting to islam?

    Easy Peasy….islam lets You put Your PeePee in just about anything..

    Children, Animals, and Infidels…

    Had hillary won here We would be seeing Pedophilia being celebrated

    at the White House…

  2. Being a Nazi* (just ask anyone who knows* everything), I like efficiency. This was not efficient.

    However… If you join ISIS, “to change things from the inside”… And you end up a desecrated corpse in some town square… Well, I’m a Nazi*… So, I’m neither surprised, nor concerned. (And, I cross post, because.. Nazi*.)

  3. Part of the problem of emasculating the men of Europe via third-wave feminism is that they have left their women to be raped and their lands to be pillaged by Islam. Rape has always been a weapon in their arsenal, all the way back to Muhammad. (His soldiers even sought his advice as to whether to rape their captive women in front of their husbands or not.)

    Feminism of the Left does not care about the rape of its women by any other group with the exception of those belonging to the dominate culture. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, France, the UK…..all have been ravaged by immigrant sex crimes. They offer up their daughters as a sacrifice to the alter of Multiculturalism. France has even gotten rid of the age of consent, systematically submitting itself to Islam.

    Witness the treatment of Tommy Robinson as an example of their priorities.

    Any male who would vote for Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton in the next election is emotionally and/or spiritually castrated.

  4. Have some Fun with the Rapist’s, finding new and fun way’s to Hang them around Town. Later comes the fine Products like – Migrant Jerky (now they eat free) Bones for Scrimshaw and Skin suitcases for the Relatives to pack and go Home.


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