Nets Claiming Confession and Arrest Backs Up Biden’s 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Story – IOTW Report

Nets Claiming Confession and Arrest Backs Up Biden’s 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Story


A 27-year-old man has been charged in the sexual assault of a 10-year-old girl who reportedly traveled from Ohio to Indiana for an abortion in a case that drew international attention — and scrutiny — in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Gershon Fuentes, who was arrested Tuesday, confessed to raping the child, according to documents filed in Franklin County, Ohio, Municipal Court. 

He was charged with the rape of a minor and faces a life sentence and deportation, the documents state. Bond was set at $2 million, and an initial hearing is scheduled for next week. More

Question: How can the suspect be identified as being an “Ohio man” when he faces deportation? Also if he’s facing life, when exactly will they deport him? It all seems too convenient. – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on Nets Claiming Confession and Arrest Backs Up Biden’s 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Story

  1. Confessed to raping THE child, or confessed to raping A child. I have no doubt there are plenty of child rapists in the illegal alien community, and the identity of child victims always is sealed by the court. So yeah, this is all too convenient and suspiciously timed.

  2. Nets are run by James Goldston, and John Greenberger. And Robin Sproul. They are all degenerate scum. I thought Sproul retired before I did. Maybe she just scrubbed her degenerate shit from google.

  3. There are some unanswered questions that the Left just can’t answer. The doctor who pushed the original story failed to report underage abortions, that is documented. And there was no police report for a supposed 10 year old rape victim getting an abortion. Yeah, even if true this story stinks.

  4. A bunch of no good TRAITOROUS BASTARDS sat around a table brainstorming on how do we get out of this mess. A bi-racial tranny said, “I got it”, let’s pull an illegal off the street, charge him, deport him, and no one will ever say another word.

  5. I was Chief Broom (Chief Bromden) at ABC.

    “Ok, what we need to do is focus on such and such…”

    They are horrible degenerate simulacrums of human beings.

    And that was the O’bola years. I did the Trump inauguration and quit in May, 2017. I have no idea what they did then, but everything about O’bola was gold… and everything about Clinton was gold, and even everything about Burnout was gold.

  6. “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”—Beria

    Is the guy still in custody? Did somebody make bail for him? The judge just wanted to let him walk out the door.

    Or is he still locked up and Gershon Fuentes hasn’t killed himself…yet.

    When will they have the DNA evidence from the aborted baby? Maybe never?

    How is it that they still have the aborted baby to test? Never mind, I don’t want to know.

    This whole thing reeks of desperate, brazen, depraved deception on the part of a number of people. Might even call it a conspiracy.

  7. The whole point of the original bogus story was that there is an aspect of Ohio law that prevented the child from getting an abortion there, and so that supposedly was the reason for the trip to Indiana. But as I’ve seen reported elsewhere, there is NOTHING in the Ohio law that would have gotten in the way of doing an abortion for the poor girl right where she was.

    Who was the girl’s doctor, and why did he violate the law by not reporting the rape?

    There is NO vindication here. The original story was bogus, and the follow-on story is bogus. Lies, all of it, except for one grossly abused little girl. Maybe.

  8. It’s not difficult finding a third world illegal alien, (especially of Hispanic, African and Middle Eastern origin) responsible for child rape in this country among their own people. This is the collateral damage of Biden’s open border immigration policy.
    Paired with the Biden Administration’s promotion of abortion as a form of birth control, in case of a pre-pubescent child’s pregnancy (very unlikely) as a result of rape, make matters worse.
    All these factors create a perfect storm of horrific policies that are intended to be mandated for multi-generational American citizens, despite the fact it’s unconstitutional.
    Even, if this story isn’t true, the topical socialist policies it represents are still being radically advocated by the left.

  9. So? We’re being patriotic conservatives? Again? And agreeing to let those that call patriotic conservatives (now, clearly, mortal) “enemy” set the terms of “trial”? After setting the “sentence”?

    We’ll agree to the F*ing! Loved! Science! That a 10 year old girl, can physically be impregnated. By a one off rape. And? How does killing another child become morally acceptable?

    Unless patriotic conservatives really do just want all the pædotranny New World Order? Gladly. Next Tuesday? As long as they’re paid. Today.

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  11. Given the suspicious timing of the story when it first broke plus the suspicious timing of the “arrest” only after the story was becoming increasingly scrutinized, Jerry Manderin has concluded that this story is…FAKE NEWS.

  12. As usual, Joe Biden the child molester-groper-sniffer-violator has exploited the child for his own benefit, and stupidly (again) exposes his schemes allowing illegals such as this illegal alien and rapist into the US. The molestation-trafficking-abducting-raping of any child, illegal or not, falls squarely into the withered lap of Joe Biden who has also promoted and urged predators in the nation to assault children. It’s his fault. He built that.

  13. How dare anyone question the Great and All Powerful democRAT party!!
    If we sayso, it IS and by God we’ll look high and low to find a perp (any perp) to prove it!

    … no matter whut Fuzznuts sez!

  14. The only thing this validates is that Donald Trump was right

    But that being said, this guy is being set up. If he is not being set up then every doctor who did not report it MUST go to prison and never practice medicine ever again. That won’t happen because this guy may have raped some child, but the child being referred to simply doesn’t exist except in the sick minds of the abortistas

  15. It’s still a big fat lie that the girl couldn’t get an abortion under existing state law. She is 1) a rape victim and 2) physically at risk by being pregnant. The craptivist doctor of hers simply played games to build another democrat false narrative. And the reason the democrats didn’t advertise the source of the story is because it was an illegal alien who raped the kid, an illegal who wouldn’t be her if that shitbag Biden enforced the fucking border law as he should.


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