Nevada Democrats Hope To Avoid Iowa Chaos – IOTW Report

Nevada Democrats Hope To Avoid Iowa Chaos


“Nevada Democrats have learned important lessons from Iowa,” said Xochitl Hinojosa, communications director for the Democratic National Committee. “And we’re confident they’re implementing these best practices into their preparations. We’ve deployed staff to help them across the board, from technical assistance to volunteer recruitment.”

Nevada’s new system calls for precinct chairs to use 2,000 iPads loaded with Google Forms, a survey tool often used to track birthday party RSVPs and plan potlucks. On Saturday, it will be used to calculate and electronically submit results from caucus precincts around the state. Party officials say they also have a paper backup system in place.  More

7 Comments on Nevada Democrats Hope To Avoid Iowa Chaos

  1. worries, this is all because they’re using these fake primaries to beta test their cheating software, they’ll have the bugs all worked out in time for the General in November just in time to elect Moose, you’ll see…

  2. Nevada Democrats Hope To Avoid Iowa Chaos… and have contracted The Three Blind Mice accounting firm, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cloud Strike, to assist with ballot box stuffing and counting votes.

  3. Assisted by those wonderful democraps who hosed Dino Rossi in Wash. state’s gubernatorial election in 2004 and who did the same for the clown from Minnesota who won his US Senate seat by finding ballots mysteriously uncounted for after the election was over.

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