Nevada House Race Poll Reveals Campaign Challenges for Democrats in November – IOTW Report

Nevada House Race Poll Reveals Campaign Challenges for Democrats in November

Wa Ex: A fresh poll showing Rep. Susie Lee (D) trailing Republican challenger April Becker in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District is a crystal-clear example of the violent political crosswinds buffeting President Joe Biden and the Democrats ahead of November’s midterm elections.

Biden would have defeated former President Donald Trump by 6.6 percentage points had the boundaries of this newly configured southern Nevada district been operable in 2020. But among likely voters surveyed June 20-23, the president’s job approval rating was an abysmal 37% — below his 38.9% national average. His slide is making trouble for Lee, first elected to the House in 2018. Lee was losing to Becker 46% to 44% in the poll, even lagging among Hispanics 48% to 42%.

The survey, for the Becker campaign and the National Republican Congressional Committee, was conducted by GOP pollster Dave Sackett. Nine percent of likely voters said they were undecided. The margin of error was 4.9 percentage points. more

4 Comments on Nevada House Race Poll Reveals Campaign Challenges for Democrats in November

  1. ^^^@CassieH
    Colorado Rs did well. Democrats spent over $10 million trying to get more conservative Republican candidates elected because they know they are not electable in Colorado in the general election. As it is it will still be hard for the R’s to win Governor and U.S. Senate in Colorado, but at least they have a shot. And there are some great conservative republican congressional candidates on the ballot this fall that have a strong chance of winning. My favorite is Barbara Kirkmeyer.


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