“Nevada Republicans Proudly Voting for Secretary Clinton” Moron Responsible For Chaos – IOTW Report

“Nevada Republicans Proudly Voting for Secretary Clinton” Moron Responsible For Chaos


Austyn Crites


‘I have NO connection to the Clinton campaign apart from me supporting her HOPE over Trump’s HATE.

‘I have canvassed for her for about 3 hours, have contributed to her campaign, and voted for her. 

‘Though I do not agree with many of Hillary’s policies, we cannot allow a fascist/dictator to take our beloved freedoms to simply boost his ego and “get back” at anyone who disagrees.

‘Take what happened to me tonight as a classic example of dictator incident of violence – against your own Republican brother with a stupid sign.

‘I am a Republican and cannot support Trump and his decisive rhetoric. This election cycle we all know what we need to do. PLEASE STAND UP WITH ME AND STOP TRUMP!’

His brother, Cary Crites, also wrote in Facebook post, noting that his brother was okay.

‘Hey friends, in case you’re wondering, my brother Ty is ok after this whole Trump rally thing. I guess this is how people are treated when they raise a “Republicans Against Trump” sign at a dictator’s hype session,’ he wrote.

‘For reference: He is a Republican that has deep concerns over the damage Trump would have as leader of our nation.

‘Went to the Trump rally in Reno, where he lives, held up the sign, then was beat down by a mob. Someone screamed “gun”, and the situation got ugly. Nevadan friends, you’re better than this.’

Read more: 


If he gained some weight he could edit a NeverTrump site.

22 Comments on “Nevada Republicans Proudly Voting for Secretary Clinton” Moron Responsible For Chaos

  1. “Republican”…riiiiiight.
    Registered as such, but…..

    “He is a Republican that has deep concerns over the damage Trump would have as leader of our nation.”
    Once upon a time, they called this sort of scum “concern trolls.”

  2. NV early voting results are coming and it’s looking pretty bad for Trump. He’s getting killed in Clark County which is kinda like the Cook County of NV and to be expected. But the lead she’s getting is going to be real tough to over come. Doable? Yeah but tough.

    This snowflake got his butt stomped. What kind of dick spells Austin with a y?

  3. Jesus said, ‘The poor you will always have…’.

    Modern day translations, ‘The confused, mentally ill and just plain f##Ked in the head you will always have…’.

  4. “Austyn”? Really? Another sad Lost Boy

    Spelling his name like he’s trying to channel a teenage girl who’s also an underage stripper is just too sad not to laugh.

    These kids are completely lost, destroyed by the Leftist institutions, just as planned.
    Like the Hitler Youth after the war, it would take years/decades of enforced reprogramming to free ‘Austyn’s” mind from all this misdirected Leftist anger and SJW self-hatred.

  5. super toe-I’m normally an optimist-this doesn’t help-it’s from the WaPO so there’s that but numbers is numbers

    According to numbers from the state, 52,000 more people voted in the two weeks of early voting in Clark County this year than four years ago. There were more absentee ballots cast then, so the overall pre-Election Day tally in the county is up about 41,000 votes. In 2012, Clark County made up more than two-thirds of all of the votes cast, and the county backed President Obama over Mitt Romney by 15 points — and by a margin of 101,000 votes. Clark County’s early vote and absentee turnout so far is 76 percent of the total votes cast in that county in 2012.

  6. Typical of the socialist fellow travellers – lot of emotional tag-lines but no substance.

    Name one hateful thing Mr. Trump said.
    Name one dictatorial thing Mr. Trump intends to do – from his own mouth, not your perverted inference.
    Name one freedom Mr. Trump wants to dispense with.
    Name one Constitutional provision Mr. Trump wants to circumvent.

    Yeah … that’s what I thought … nothing but BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I don’t understand why the LEOs released this guy last night. It was reported that he charged through the crowd pushing people. Why was this not assault/battery? Because his name was not Michelle Fields?

  8. Well this bald gayboy snowflake is just trolling for a new sugar daddy, and he thinks he will pick up one from Hitllery’s crew of miscreants. Hope he finds one who will rip him apart and feed him to the crows and flying monkeys.

  9. As a mother of millennials, grandmother to a big chunk of the next Gen, and I’d like to offer you all the VERY BEST parenting advice I could ever give you-

    Stop telling your kids they are special, stop asking their opinion on everything, (dictatorships in families is actually a good thing!), and for heaven’s sake, PLEASE quit telling your kids they can do/be anything they want. You know that the kid who does his school projects the night before its due, always loses his gym bag, can’t get his bed made, wake up on his own, take out the garbage without you nagging him day after day after day, all through his teens, isn’t ever going to have the self motivation to become a brain surgeon.
    IOW, be honest accessing your kids, and be sure to share it with them. They aren’t fragile glass, they can take being told no & critiques.

  10. I live in Clark county and I’m not seeing anyone thrilled for Hillary.

    And that guy is most likely a paid Clinton plant, and nuts. We know from the Podesta emails that this is what they do. Whatever. It makes Nevertrumpers look insane (R and D) and they need to own him. Hell, run him for president! Sweaty Thumb / Austyn with a Y 2016. You still have 3 days! Lolz

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