Never Before… – IOTW Report

Never Before…

Never Forget.

13 Comments on Never Before…

  1. Many firsts this trip:

    First direct flight from Saudi Arabia to Israel.
    First sitting President to visit the West Wall.
    First foreign visit to Saudi Arabia and, now, first foreign visit including Israel.

    (Did obama join in the sword dance?)

    First Secy of State to say to Chris Wallace, “This wasn’t my first sword dance.” And he said it as one would say, “Oh, you’re so provincial, you dull clod.”

  2. Loved Bibi’s bitch slap of obama. ‘For the first time in my life I feel real hope for change.’
    It wasn’t subtle in any way. A great roar came from my kitchen. And it was only me. Haha.

  3. Waiting to hear the left wail that President Trump wore a yarmulke at the Western Wall, while the First Lady remained uncovered in Saudi Arabia. Someone will bring it up. They will.

  4. I watched PRESIDENT TRUMP (I love saying that) walking towards the Western Wall and kept thinking “Will he place a prayer? Will he place – – – OH MY GOSH HE PLACED A PRAYER!!! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH”.
    I hope you all understand with me how significant that ONE action alone is. Let alone the entire M.E. trip.


  5. Mid-day catch up on the news and I watched a couple of short vids of the Netanyahu’s and the Trump’s during their visit. If you haven’t yet seen any of them, they’re a real treat. Sara N. is absolutely adorable in her open delight of the Trumps (she can’t stop herself from doing the double thumbs up). 🙂

    The N’s gave the Trumps a 150 yo Bible! I wonder what the Trumps took as their gift to the them? Does anyone know? A set of Trump stump speeches on Betamax? lol! Maybe some plastic toys (with the price stickers still on) from the WH gift shop?

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