Never Bring a Waffle To a Knife Fight – IOTW Report

Never Bring a Waffle To a Knife Fight

Waffle House employees go at it with knives.

“He cut you to the white meat.”

ht/ jd hasty

28 Comments on Never Bring a Waffle To a Knife Fight

  1. Is the fat bumblebee person a man or a woman?
    Low renters. Even the ones sitting there giggling like it was just dinner and a show while the yellow stay puft was being cut to the white meat (lol) by slim jim.

  2. “What the Hell is wrong with the three whites at the counter.”
    But I think they’re pretty ghetto themselves. If they weren’t, they’d have gotten out and called the cops on them. Ghetto doesn’t have a color.

  3. The ones sitting watching like they are at dinner theater probably were brought up going to Chuck E Cheese for birthday parties and this is just what goes on in their life

  4. Bet you don’t see this on a PBS Black History Minute. They were all assholes in that diner and it’s damn lucky nobody took a shiv or no guns were around. The guy filming said that they (the filming and his pals) kind of started it. I wonder what he meant.

  5. I love Waffle House Food….And like I always say…If it weren’t

    for the line Cooks criminal record…He or She would be a damn fine

    Air Traffic Controller…

    Seriously…You got 60 drunk Patrons wanting some Vittles…

    And You got 5 Toothless Waitresses screaming out orders…and that

    Dude or Dudess is cranking them out in line faster than any

    Unemployed Terminator could possibly duplicate….

    It’s a Galdamn Ballet set in America’s most basic element

    Damned If I don’t have a tear in My eye…and a Pang in My Stomach.

    Smothered , Covered, and Scattered means something to Me…And I’ll

    Be damned if I let any of You rob Me of this moment.

  6. “gotta kill a Mutha Fxcker for proper ambiance” or ambulance.
    Ever eat at a Waffle House?
    Yep, Your question I think is meant to be rhetorical.
    Ever eat at a Waffle House and live?

  7. I too love Waffle House and have always been amazed by the cooks… What Bobcat stated above is completely true.. If your order is fooked up, it was the waitron’s fault. 100 or so years ago I tried living and working in Ocean City, MD after 11th grade….. never did land a job there and spent my saved money in about a month. Roomed with a short order cook who had a sixth grade education (mostly due to dyslexia), but the guy was a marvel at the grill…
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Last time I heard it was a gunfight at Waffle House, so this is a welcome de-escalation!
    I ate at a WH once, in Colorado Springs.
    Most lasting impression is how small and uncomfortable the seating is.


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