Never forget Tiananmen Square – IOTW Report

Never forget Tiananmen Square


China’s authoritarian regime has long lied to its entire population about what happened in the early morning of June 4, 1989. Those who know it’s a lie don’t dare speak out. And those who don’t know, especially the young, are limited in their access to the truth.

Beginning in late April 1989, peaceful student demonstrators filled Beijing’s iconic Tiananmen Square. They demanded democracy, freedom of speech and of the press, and an end to government corruption. Their gathering, which predated the fall of the Berlin Wall by more than two years, drew more than a million people together of all ages and from all professional backgrounds. Their gathering inspired hundreds of smaller demonstrations throughout China.

For weeks, there were sharp divisions within China’s Communist regime about how to handle these protests. But in the end, they did what communists do, suppressing dissent and silencing criticism with rivers of human blood.

In late May, the throngs of protesters prevented the People’s Liberation Army (communists are masters of irony) from advancing into Tiananmen Square and ending the protests. A standoff ensued, but it didn’t last. On the evening of June 3, the army received its orders to crush the protests “by any means.” The army began using live ordnance and even dumdum bullets, mowing down those who stood in their path to Tiananmen. They killed between 300 and 3,000 unarmed demonstrators and injured thousands more. To this day, the exact body count is unknown because the government suppressed all discussion of this in the aftermath.

According to the government’s initial accounts, the vast majority of those wounded were military and police. In any other context, this obvious lie would provide an amusing commentary on the efficacy of Chinese soldiers. It can’t be easy to lose a fight in which you have all the guns and tanks on your side.  more

9 Comments on Never forget Tiananmen Square

  1. Why hate China when our own government is now being run by the same Communists running China?
    Why is nuclear war so wanted by Trump’s warmongers-in-power? Who would really benefit from a nuke war?
    Not America.
    Let’s not forget this date! Everybody knows about this history, except everybody doesn’t know all the facts.

    ‘D’ DAY = DEVIL’S DAY?
    Operation “Overlord”
    6th Hour, 6th Day, 6th Month
    By Mike King

  2. ^^^^ “6th Hour, 6th Day, 6th Month” ^^^^

    Operation Overlord started on the 5th day with Minesweepers in the Channel & the departure of the 82nd & 101st Airborn just before midnight, June 6. preliminary bombardment by the Navy began about 5:45 AM, June 6 (documented) … so kma on your 666 bullcrap

  3. Not one-sided, but a revolution attempt to overthrow the government. Their version of what an armed ANTIFA would do in the USA. Media and government reporting is always propaganda to support the current political agenda in D.C. So how does one identify the lies vs. the truth?

    Tiananmen Square: The Massacre That Wasn’t
    Posted on June 9, 2014 by Keld Bach
    “What happened in China, what took the lives of government opponents and of soldiers on June 4,
    was not a massacre of peaceful students but a battle between PLA soldiers and armed detachments from the so-called pro-democracy movement.

    Perspective opinion reference:
    “Here is a look at D-Day. Allied troops invaded Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944, in order to fight Nazi Germany in World War II.

    Facts: The largest amphibious invasion in history.

    The invasion’s code name was Operation Overlord

    General Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded the operation, and plans were made to land in Normandy, west of where the German troops and artillery were built up.

    The “D” stands for Day. D-Day and H-Hour stand for the secret day/time an operation is scheduled to begin.

    Code names for the five beaches where the Allies landed: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword.

    The date June 5, 1944, was originally chosen for the invasion, but bad weather forced the Allies to postpone a day.

  4. And the official count for the deaths at Chernobyl remains 31 while the estimates for those that died afterward was closer to 93,000.

    3,000 people may have died the day of the massacre but how many died in the years since as they were systematically tracked down, imprisoned and murdered.

    What kills me is that we’ve allowed our businesses to snuggle up to this totalitarian regime. It’s like allowing our people to do business with Nazi Germany after all had been revealed. And knowing that they are using our trade deficit to build an army to invade their neighbors and openly wish to attack us.

    They are in a path to war not democracy.


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