Never forget what they did to us – IOTW Report

Never forget what they did to us

Patriot Retort: According to the CDC Director, only 25 percent of the people who make up the total number of US COVID deaths actually died because of COVID-19. The other 75 percent of COVID deaths were among people with at least four other comorbidities who died “with” not “because of” COVID-19. Yes, now they admit that they inflated the death toll.

CDC director says over 75% of covid deaths were people with “at least four comorbidities” and were “unwell to begin with”— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) January 10, 2022

Never forget this. Never forget what these people were willing to do just to get Donald Trump out of the White House. more

19 Comments on Never forget what they did to us

  1. I have not forgotten the “Bush Republicans” loudly saying “VOTE CLINTON” IN ’15 AND ’16. Nor the BUSH REpUBLICANS sotto voce screaming “Vote Joe!” in ’20.

  2. Never Forget:
    It came from China.
    Funded By Fauci.
    In order to steel an election, remove Trump, Kill Oil, Transfer wealth, depopulate, limit human mobility, and create a world of leaders & sheep in the perpetual surveillance state.

    They eat Beef & we get soylent green.

  3. The CDC cannot be trusted. Even that 75% is funky. It is about those already vaccinated. NOT all cases. So some small subset of all the vaccinated died (1.3M of 200M that were vaccinated), and of that group they discuss the 75%. WTF. They never provide accurate, complete or timely info nor do they follow “science”

  4. “Never forget what these people were willing to do just to get Donald Trump out of the White House.”
    You phrased that perfectly.
    This, and the election steal.
    Thank you Dianny.

  5. To get Clinton elected, the Dept of Labor fudged economic figures to claim continuation of recession, then corrected the figures after the election. Bush did nothing.

    They triggered the mortgage bomb, which they created for just such an occasion, which tanked the US and global economies, to get Obama elected. Another Bush did nothing.

    It is quite plausible that the Zi virus, and most certainly the response to it, was used to get Biden elected.

    I shudder to think what they have planned to stay in power. The globalist elite have not been shy telling us what they have planned to bring on the Great Reset.

  6. this came up when I hit the link … twice

    Error 1005 Ray ID: 6ccb86164dea749b • 2022-01-13 03:26:33 UTC
    Access denied
    What happened?
    The owner of this website ( has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (16509) from accessing this website.
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  7. To get Clinton elected, the Dept of Labor fudged economic figures to claim continuation of recession, then corrected the figures after the election. Bush did nothing.

    They triggered the mortgage bomb, which they created for just such an occasion, which tanked the US and global economies, to get Obama elected. Another Bush did nothing.

    It is quite plausible that the Zi virus, and most certainly the response to it, was used to get Biden elected.

    I shudder to think what they have planned to stay in power. The globalist elite have not been shy telling us what they have planned to bring on the Great Reset. The Bush family appears to be all for it.

  8. ACParker,

    Bush has the sympathy of the entire world after 9/11. He squandered it and turned allies into doubters at minimum, enemies at worst.

    He would have been a 4 year nothing. He was insignificant but as usual there was plan in someones pocket IF a disaster happened. 9/11 made Bush, History made the man in that case, but he wasted it trying to avenge Daddy.


    Thank GOD Trump interrupted it.

    I am anxious to see who is next. I sincerely hope TRUMP comes back and Humiliates the Democrats. That will be my World Cup/SUPERBOWL/Stanley Cup.


  9. Speaking of dying from covid, according to the UK from August 16 to December 5, 3070 unjabbed died from covid, 12,058 jabbed died from covid.

    By month:Jabbed/unjabbed
    Aug-Sep 2572/850
    Sep-Oct 2793/701
    Oct-Nov 3509/703
    Nove-Dec 3284/816

    I’m sure none of them will ever tell the numbers who have died from the vaccine.

  10. The Senators who grilled him are at a standstill to get him prosecuted for perjury. One said today that they had already sent stuff over to the AG the first time he lied to them and they have heard nothing from that.

  11. “The CDC cannot be trusted.”

    trust in any government will get you exactly where we are now.

    the lesson of limited government which the constitution was written to achieve was thrown out the door long ago once we allowed elected representatives to vote for money to buy votes to stay in office.

    professional politicians.
    some profession, slap your constituents on the back while stabbing it.

    we got what the “majority” voted for

  12. Stolen, stolen, nope. I like to say the only thing stolen was your teeny tiny brains, but you never had any to begin with. He will lose a 3rd time. Your pedo bankruptcy king can start the fake out, crying it was stolen from me again, weep, weep.

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