NEVER FORGET…. who the Muslims sided with – IOTW Report

NEVER FORGET…. who the Muslims sided with

ht/ Viet68

15 Comments on NEVER FORGET…. who the Muslims sided with

  1. And they passed out candy and danced in the streets on 9/11. And we send them money which they use to pay terrorist families. We (our feckless leaders) don’t learn lessons very well.

  2. Seeing muslims being propelled into power in American politics by Democrats, starting with Baracka Hussein Obama, just 7 years after 9/11/2001 makes me want to vomit.
    The democrats just aren’t on our side. Period. Full stop.
    Incidentally, we’re still at war, in combat, men and women dying in the war against islamists overseas, but in DeeCee they invite the cockroaches to the banquet.

    If you are a democrat you are my mortal enemy and I will fight you to the death.

  3. I’m not worried. From the American Gothic couple, Nancy and Chuck, to the bigoted newcomers wearing their ugly hijabs to Occasional-Cortex thinking that, now that Amazon wasn’t coming to New York, the city would be free to spend billions on other things…..

    …….the Dem clown car is too over-the-top. No sane person going forward is going to be able to vote for them. Clowns? A zoo? Take your pick, but it has never been like this before — and they are just getting started!

    *I* love it! ….Lady in Red

  4. Lady in red you should be very worried,as should all of us.
    This is the camel with their nose under the tent. Women first then the men. Watch. The Molsem men that are in the congress have been silent up until now.
    The next election they will throw more of the Molsems in to the mix.
    PS they have changed the spelling from molsem to muslin.To deflect from their stated goal,the over throw of all non molsem countries.

  5. If the islamos had their way, they would do worse than Hitler. There are now about 7 million people in Israel. The islamos would like to Nuke them all off the planet.

  6. Ooooo no, Mr. Saltine! I worry about CAIR and the Muslim lies to the “infidels.” I worried when Pamela Geller seemed the only person to understand the reality of the Iman’s lies explaining that the Ground Zero Mosque was a “gift to America.” Ho ho ho.

    Now, the Muslim lies are being exposed. No one, regardless of prior political affiliation and with at least a sixth grade education, can fail to see the deep — and honest! — bigotry and hatred Muslims hold for Jews.

    And this ain’t gonna win ’em any elections, short or long term. They are exposing themselves. They are so stupid, they think their arrogance will “play” in progressive America. They are sooooooooooo stupid! …Lady in Red

  7. Lady in Red.
    Have you ever heard the terms ‘willful blindness’ and ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’? I believe candidate Trump recited the story of the woman and the snake repeatedly.

    Democrats are cozier with somali occupiers in Minnesota than white farmers in Kansas.

    Some Americans have not and will not awaken to the darkening storm. Reason and critical thinking are foreign to them, unable to recognize the threat of growing muzzlim ghettos.

  8. The real problem is that muslimes, fags, lesbos, left-wing whackos, and gender-whatever I wanna bes do the jobs white people and conservatives don’t want to do — community organize, get out the vote efforts, demonstrate at rallies, and protest policies we don’t like.

    Instead people hide behind our anonymity occasionally wondering why somebody beats us up for wearing a MAGA hat. Get your head out of yur ass and out of the ground, wake up and start fighting back America!


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