Never get too close to an alligator-infested lake – IOTW Report

Never get too close to an alligator-infested lake

Florida man hunting for frisbees in gator-filled lake found dismembered

NYP: The body of Florida man who ventured into an alligator-infested lake in search of flying discs was missing three limbs when recovered by authorities, according to a report.

Sean Thomas McGuinness, 47, was found dismembered on May 31 at Taylor Lake in Largo, where he frequently waded into water to retrieve wayward flying discs from a nearby disc golf course to resell, cops told Spectrum Bay News 9.

“When Sean McGuinness was recovered last week, he was observed to be missing three limbs,” Largo police spokeswoman Megan Santo told the outlet. more

23 Comments on Never get too close to an alligator-infested lake

  1. Ol’ Sean is now an Honorary Florida Man. It’s only “honorary” because a REAL Florida Man knows that gator mating season begins with courtship in April followed by actual mating in May and June. Gators are right now about as aggressive as they ever get, and that’s fairly aggressive.

    Sean does get Special Mention by violating two no-nos simultaneously with the same act: he molested them AND he fed them.

  2. Many years ago I took my family to Disney World (I know….but it was before they went woke). There was a monorail stop near our hotel so we walked to it each morning. My 4 year old son would run ahead of us and stop at the edge of a pond to throw stones into the water until we caught up. We didn’t think anything about it until two days later when the alligator truck was parked there and they were pulling out wild alligators that were large enough to drag my son into the pond…..

  3. I’m a Bass Fisherman. About once a year you read bout some guy in Florida that sticks a big bass, leans over to lip him and get bit on the hand by a Cotton Mouth that the Bass had just inhaled. No Thanks. Between the bugs, humidity, snakes, big lizards with teeth, Florida does just not appeal to me.

  4. Gators can’t chew and can’t effectively bite stuff off.

    Left unsaid is probably guy was found stuffed in an underwater structure like a tangle of tree roots to kill him, hopefully before what came next.

    Next depends on the neighborhood. Gators prefer the food to rot bit so they can tear bits off and swallow them whole, because that’s all they can do; however, if they are starving or there’s other gators around to ateal the catch, a speed method is to bite into a dangling extremety and then swim spin their bodies around their snout-to-tail axis until it tears off, then swallow the limb whole and go back for the next, if other gators aren’t doing the same. It’s called a death roll for obvious reasons.

    Probably the only reason he still has one limb is that’s the side that was jammed in, and the gators couldn’t get to it.

    Gators are not merciful animals, they are quite powerful, low slung, and can run surprisingly fast for short dustances on land, and no expression to tip you off if it’s getting pissed at you or not.

    Best to leave them alone.

    Because you don’t necessarily finish drowning before they rip your limbs off.

    May God bless and comfort that man’s family, and use this warning to divert others from the same fate.

  5. @Little Morphin Annie

    The CAF closed down in the 1970’s, I think. It was right across Lincoln Ave. from Knotts Berry Farm. The place smelled really bad from the gators.

  6. ” I think. It was right across Lincoln Ave. from Knotts Berry Farm.”
    It was. I was there two times I think when I was like 6 and 8 years old. All I remember is elevated walk ways and looking down on some big ass Alligators.

  7. So how many gators did the murder to see if it was one of them that tore the dummy up. Similar to how they will murder a bear because some jerkoff hiker went down a trail that says “do not enter here, bear territory. Then the just murder some random bear. Same goes for sharks when these mental midgets surf where they are. They get chomped by the shark then the amazing “authorities” murder a random shark “yup, we got em” real American heroes in action

  8. All this talk of poison snakes..ugh.
    I’ll stay in Maine where there are none.
    The bears and fishers and such stay away from people unless the people think they’re cute and chase ’em.

  9. Here locally, a drunk jumped off a pier into a bayou at 2:00am to impress his friends five years ago. They told him not to do it because there were alligators in the water there. He said they were too little to be a danger and did the old ‘hold my beer’ routine. The second he hit the water, an eleven foot gator grabbed him and devoured him. Game warrens cut his remains from the gator two days later after his friends killed the gator. This was on the 4th of July near Orange, Texas.

  10. Just like the Black Knight who had all his limbs chopped off in Monty Python And The Holy Grail, tis only a flesh wound. I hate snakes and gators both, we have rattlesnakes up here in Eastern Wash. but no gators (actually a pet caiman at NW Seed) except in zoos and NW Seed and Pet, the best free kids zoo and aquarium in Spokane where all the moms and dads take their kids to see all the animals they have for sale like puppies, kittens, mice, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, ducks and geese, chicks, snakes, spiders like tarantulas, tortoises, turtles, frogs and all sorts of tropical fish and just plain gold fish etc., birds of all kinds including a shop parrot, it’s kid heaven until they talk mom and dad into bringing a critter home. My son wanted a spider monkey or a ferret when he was a kid, my wife said absolutely not and he never got either.


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