‘Never Trump’ Lincoln Project pays co-founder $100,000 as part of ongoing legal settlement surrounding sexual misconduct – IOTW Report

‘Never Trump’ Lincoln Project pays co-founder $100,000 as part of ongoing legal settlement surrounding sexual misconduct

WASHINGTON, DC – The Lincoln Project has paid $100,000 to a founding member who last year accused the super PAC of ignoring allegations of sexual misconduct against co-founder John Weaver, according to campaign finance records released this week.

That payment joins a total of $375,000 that Jennifer Horn received last year from the Lincoln Project, according to the disclosures.

It paid Horn, a co-founder of the scandal-plagued political action committee, an initial installment of $250,000 on July 15 and monthly installments of $25,000 thereafter.

The settlement comes after the two traded jabs in a very public spat following her resignation. Horn said she was disgusted with how the organization handled the Weaver scandal and she accused a Lincoln Project leader of lying to her and demeaning her after she claimed that leaders were aware of the sexual harassment allegations. more here

3 Comments on ‘Never Trump’ Lincoln Project pays co-founder $100,000 as part of ongoing legal settlement surrounding sexual misconduct

  1. There can’t be a story here. I’m not going to believe a word of this until Scott Pelley devotes another thirty minutes to the Lincoln Project and their “ethical Republican stand” against President Donald J. Trump on 60 Minutes. Still waiting for his interview with Tara Reade. These avaricious grifters raised millions from gullible Trump haters and spent most of it on themselves. Might as well have called it the Dementia Joey Self-enrichment Project.

  2. Lincoln Project are obviously Libtards, because like Libtards they missed the instruction manual to their little dicks. Pedo bitches. In a perfect world, I would meet Rick Wilson in a dark alley. Rumor has it you can smell him coming.


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