#NeverPinestraw – IOTW Report


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17 Comments on #NeverPinestraw

  1. What’s wrong with Pinestraw? Pinestraw didn’t spend us into $19 trillion of national debt, or let some 60 million alien immigrants into the country, or have a ruinous foreign policy.

  2. Come on guys, that picture is really the last straw! Especially for Shrillary and Bernie. And hopefully we don’t have to draw straws between Trump and Cruz to determine who’ll be the GOPEE nominee for President. The GOPEE establishment would certainly like to suck all that air out of the straw between Cruz and Trump and leave us with a limp bent over straw of an establishment candidate who’ll lose again to the democraps.

  3. I don’t trust Pinestraw. Not after the way he let the first little pig down. Find out more about Pinestraw’s secret dealings with The Big Bad Wolf at #NeverPineStraw.

  4. My dearest Brothers,
    Cease this infernal slander of a poor, meek servant of our fair land.
    Thou hast wounded the heart that loves thee
    Who’s comforting layers carpet our Sylvan glades, granting the seeker of tranquility restful peace and quietude, free from the brash intrusions and noises of the workaday world?
    Who’s very substance is a cushioning cloud; a balm to our weary feet from the rocky and unforgiving face of the Mountain deep?
    Who else can do Yeoman’s duty as both bedding for the weary as well as tinder for a Pyre?
    What other pointy and scratchy companion can serve as a last ditch sleeping bag, that in its wisdom, will keep you alert to the dangers of the night that abound in this, the forest primeval?
    Who’s gentle embrace has been the loving final sanctuary for the hapless forest traveler lost among the forests of the world?
    Are your consciences as cold and formidable as the mighty bergs of those cold oceans of the antipodes?

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