#NeverTrump Bleating Already Debunked Talking Points Just Like Lefties Do – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Bleating Already Debunked Talking Points Just Like Lefties Do

Ashley Pratte is a jerk. She goes on a show and attacks Donald Trump with an already debunked talking point. She’s willing to just bleat it over and over until somehow it is true, just like a leftist twit would do.

How principled are these jerks if they are willing to lie on the tee vee in order to help Hillary’s chances against Trump?

Pretty unethical if you ask me.

14 Comments on #NeverTrump Bleating Already Debunked Talking Points Just Like Lefties Do

  1. This is a non-issue.>>

    It’s a non-issue that NeverTrump is repeating a leftist talking point??? A false one??

    How is that “principled”?
    That’s all I hear with these fucking nitwits, that they are too principled to vote for Trump, yet they are not too principled to fucking straight out lie like a friggin progressive with progressive talking points.

    Principled my ass.

    I think it’s an issue.

  2. It’s not Principled, it’s a fucked up agenda driven by Globalist and intrenched politicians that are scared of change. After all, things have been working out so well.

  3. It is sometimes hard to remember that we are dealing with a group of people who, though they call themselves ‘conservatives’, are, in fact, a part of the oligarchy we know as the Uniparty. The New Republican Party is headed, now, by Trump and his voters who believe in American sovereignty. The former Republican Party is, in reality, a part of the Left’s globalist forces. It’s a lot easier to think in terms of Nationalists versus Globalists, and drop the terms Conservative and Progressives.

  4. I have yet to hear a clear articulation of what the NeverTrumpers mean by “principled.” They say they are “principled” and they stomp off in a huff. What are these precious “principles” — exactly, precisely, spell them out chapter and verse please, stop your friggin arm waving — and how do they differ so much from Donald Trump’s proposals that voting to keep the H’beast out of office is untenable? These people are several bricks short of a load and live in a separate bizarroland universe.

  5. These Never Trumper’s must be heavily invested with a whole lot of money to lose and their jobs.It’s like they are Outing themselves.And should be the first one’s to go.


  6. Menderman, you are starting to make me wonder. I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt for a while now. Trying to view your comments as objectively as possible. But my natural suspicious nature is on overdrive now……

    What is you goal here? What’s your agenda?

  7. “How is that “principled”?”

    Nothing going on, on the socialist/totalitarian/Menshevik (Demonrat, RINO, Libertarian, and CPUSA) side of the political spectrum has anything, whatsoever, to do with “principles.” These people are fighting to control the entirety of the World – fighting for the complete ascendancy of Evil – fighting to crush the life out of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice – and they’re supposed to have “principles?”

    It is to laugh!

    izlamo delenda est …

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