#NeverTrumper Candidate Is a Slime – IOTW Report

#NeverTrumper Candidate Is a Slime

Eggin McMuffin, AKA: Evan McMullin, is a slime who is prepared to stiff the vendors he hired in his miserable failure of a late stage coup.

The coup was designed to upend Trump’s bid for the white house and possibly install Hillary Clinton in the process.

McMoron is still railing against Trump even while he’s delivered a solid conservative to the supreme court bench, making his presidency worthwhile in that singular moment.

Now we learn the pathetic dreamer has a debt of $670,000, with no plans whatsoever to pay. People like Tanner Leatham, who owns a small startup company which gathered the signatures required for baldy to get on the ballot, can possibly go out of business because of this a$$hole.

While Trump creates jobs, this pissant wrecks them.

This is your “conservative” with “conservative values” #NeverTrump.


ht/ c. steven tucker

By the way. Do I sound particularly acerbic? You betcha.

I will never work for a political campaign, as a vendor, ever again.

I’ve been stiffed multiple times by candidates. Candidates who claim to be “conservatives” and people of integrity.



21 Comments on #NeverTrumper Candidate Is a Slime

  1. Pretty poor business decision by Tanner Leatham considering the candidate and his chances of being successful. I think I would have asked for the minimum of a 50% deposit with benchmarks for payment.

  2. Govlawyer, in case you missed it: Utah, Idaho, Wy, Mt & Az all went Trump. That would mean your ‘Mormon Mafia’ voted in mass for Trump. Those are the facts- no legend about it.

    Oh, McFartface got votes in those states but nothing close to a win.

  3. @Pelopidas, in case you missed it: Mittens and his cronies were the ones who put fellow Mormon mcmuffin up as an alternative #NeverTrump candidate (after David French pulled his name from consideration)…..or was it Putin who convinced him? (I get the two confused at times)

  4. Worthless POS, no one was more surprised than he that people actually followed his retarded line of bullshit. I use to troll him on twitter until he blocked me. He reminds of the joke: “Your daddy is so bald that when he wears a turtle neck he looks like a broken condom.”

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