#NeverTrumpers Tossed Off of RedState – IOTW Report

#NeverTrumpers Tossed Off of RedState

Salem Media purged #NeverTrumpers from RedState because of THIS—>

The lower the number the better. This graph illustrates global ranking. 8,000 sites leapfrogged RedState in a year. That’s not good.

Do whiny dopes think they should be cut a paycheck for what they call being “critics of the president,” as Salem’s stock plummets? Redstate pivoted, Salem didn’t. You want to relentlessly bash the president, go ask Media Matters to pay you.

I support Trump and when he does something I disagree with I write a post questioning it. I do this against the background of knowing that every day Trump is president is a day that Hillary is not, and although Trump can make a misstep, we are far better off for having him in the oval office.

Idiots like the ex-RedState schmucks “critique” the president against the backdrop of complete disdain for the man, enjoying the left’s cruelty no matter how petty. “He’s orange and has small hands!!!! Oh, bring it lefties, I love it!”

I post positive Trump accomplishments with enthusiasm and negative Trump stories with regret. The fired RedState writers posted positive Trump stories with regret and negative Trump stories with enthusiasm.

They can deny it, but the numbers speak for themselves. People were sick of going to a site called RedState where they had to wonder if the bloggers simply misspelled Bluestate, that’s how indistinguishable they had become from MSNBC.

Good riddance to the David Frum/William Kristol clan. Maybe I can start linking them again.

ht/ chalupa

They are now free to masturbate to this issue on someone else’s dime.


29 Comments on #NeverTrumpers Tossed Off of RedState

  1. They’re crying hard, too. Sweaty thumb offered them a job where he blogs. I don’t know where the hell that is because I don’t go there, but maybe they’ll take him up on it. I’m sure he will pay them top smug.

  2. Seriously- Their articles always sounded like jealous bitches in the ladies’ room talking shit about a woman who’s dating one of their exes. Lipstick streaked across their teeth, mascara running, fat feet popping out of their narrow high-heeled shoes like biscuit dough, just tore up from the floor up.

  3. Still done with them. Once Trump was the nominee, the #neverTrumpers should have been jettisoned because the only alternative was Hillary Clinton. Keeping them on over a year after Trump was inaugurated was journalistic suicide.

  4. They went nuts after Trump got elected. It became an insufferable mess after that. You should point out when our leaders do the wrong things and/or make mistakes. You should not spend every waking hour acting like those kids at the store stomping their feet because they did not get what they want.
    When i was a kid, your parents whooped your ass for that ( ask my 5 kids if they could do it). This is a metaphorical ass whooping they need. Some will learn a little something from it. Others…not so much.

  5. @BFH – The Regurgent.
    @MJA – It’s not the Retardant?

    I’d call it The Recrement.

    1. The superfluous or useless portion of any substance; refuse, dross, scum, off-scouring…
    2a. A waste product or excretion of an animal or vegetable body; also Physiol., a fluid which is separated from the blood and again absorbed into it, as the saliva or bile…
    2b. The dross or scoria of metallic substances.

  6. Heh!

    The “#RedStateWedding”, featuring Patrick #FREY (Patterico), who’s become a Bad (but typical) Californian.

    I recall back in the day when he was readable. He had good rapport with Ace and Protein Wisdom, then around 2008 he went batshit loony-toons (”Obama is a Good Man”. He hasn’t been worth reading since. Then he went to Red State and made it even worse.

    Hot Air (Morrisey and Allahpundit) are likely soiling their knickers right now.

  7. “…fat feet popping out of their narrow high-heeled shoes like biscuit dough…”

    This made my day. There needs to be an award for this. Just perfect.

  8. I still went there for a couple of the guys, but the Susan Wright/Patterico axis of evil was so tiresome. It wasn’t worth it to read anything they wrote. Might as well be the NYT.

    Streiff and Brandon Morse were still good though. Streiff was Infantry, like me, so…

  9. does this mean i’m not banned anymore?

    does this mean i care whether i’m banned anymore?

    does this mean ANYTHING, in the real world????

    oh shit….does this mean i have to go look at their website again, to see if they have “evolved?”

    …….i hate when that happens…….


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