New Anti-Trump Super PAC Releases First Ad: Trump in his own Words – IOTW Report

New Anti-Trump Super PAC Releases First Ad: Trump in his own Words

A new Super PAC called “Our Principles PAC” has released its first ad: The Trump Tapes: Vol. 1, which shows Donald Trump’s opinions on various subjects over the last 15 years.

You can watch it below:

What do you think of the ad? Is it effective in your mind or just a hit piece?

94 Comments on New Anti-Trump Super PAC Releases First Ad: Trump in his own Words

  1. And at least Trump owns up to everything he has said in the past. He explains if was was for business influence, if he later came to have a different view point, etc. He doesn’t weasel it around. He even doubles down on owning up to things he gets hammered for – because he has that brand of ownership. I call it integrity.

  2. I think it’s effective with much from recent clips. A lot of his comments don’t just deal with superfluous issues – they reflect his core principles as a human being. Opinions can change, but when the very basis of one’s worldview seems to be in such flux (especially considering that he is almost 70 years old), I personally can’t have any trust in such a person to hold the most powerful office in the world.

  3. He’s the front-runner at this point in the primary season. That’s what primaries are for – to vet the candidates within a party. Sometimes that involves negative ads and remarks. It’s not like he’s not attacking the second place candidate (and others) pretty hard himself. Why should a front-runner be immune? Once the primaries are over the front runner becomes the standard bearer of the party and internal attacks should cease.

  4. How can factual videos of a candidate’s stance on issues be considered a hit piece?

    Sure, opinions, principles and core values can change …… Hillary has changed numerous times, they call it flip flopping for convenience and votes, particularly if you’re running for the nomination of the Presidency.

  5. Trump’s [recent] record is full enough of evidence of his liberalism. Crony capitalism (pronounced f-a-s-c-i-s-m) is all he knows. Looking out for Trump and sticking it to anyone in his way (with extreme prejudice) is Donald Trump. It’s what he does. But, the idiots that support him can’t see the forest for the trees. Either they have a vested interest in promoting him or they are just too fucking stupid to comprehend or care. I will bet you dollars to donuts at least 40% of these dimwits are democrats and libertarians that voted for Ohosedus. Morons.

  6. These ads are made just to tear down a candidate with no other candidate as the SOLUTION.
    EVERY HUMAN BEING is flawed. I could make Mother Theresa look bad if I wanted to (NOT comparing Mother Theresa to Donald Trump).
    So instead of Donald Trump – let’s keep with the status quo and elect another politician – because politicians don’t lie.
    I rather give Trump a shot to CONFIRM whether Washington is repairable or not. Does our system fail or the people running the system?
    I think Washington Republicans and Conservatives are scared that Trump might embarrass them by actually doing the job he’s elected to do.
    Give the non-politician a shot – if he fails, vote him out in 4 years and vote back in the status quo.

  7. Since we have a front-runner who was a Democrat and is now claiming to be a Republican.

    What I think folks miss is the way he will “negotiate” out of these many documented positions. My simple question is; if he will move from these long held positions to positions to the positions for which you now support him so vehemently, what makes you think if he wins either the nomination or the general election that he won’t then do the very same thing to leave the current positions?

  8. Trumps says some pretty great things, like making our country great again and fixing our out of control debt. I wish he would tell us more detail of how he is going to make us great and how he is going to deal with the debt.

    Truly, I want to give him my support because his ability to control the press and push back against political correctness. He would have my vote in a New York minute if he would address these things and stop with the same attacks used by the GOPe/McConnell.

    For Example:
    Will Trump deal with the debt by raising taxes or cutting waste and spending or both. I need to know more. Right now, with Trump, all I have is hope that there will be change. I know what making America great again means to me, but what does it mean to Trump. I know how I feel about partial birth abortion, but as of this date, I do not know his position.

    I do, at least, believe he will make our military strong and he will build a wall, but I’m not sure he will make illegal aliens get in line behind those that are already waiting in line, legally.

    Respectfully Gentlemen. I want to support Trump, but I need to know more. I live in Georgia so there is time. I just hope he will be more specific.

  9. CLIPS taken out of context. HIT PIECE that will make Trump’s numbers GO UP!
    Here’s a tip: Post PRO-YOUR Candidate videos.
    Negative crap like this just keeps TRUMP’S name out there and helps Hillary and Bernie.

  10. Very effective ad. The more I look at Trump the more I doubt his sincerity. Can’t point the finger at all the idiot Obama voters who saw him as a “blank slate” if we do the same thing with Trump, and end up getting screwed again.

  11. I smell the same attitudes and rationalization here that led to the December 7th, 1941 sneak attack.

    So much pride here. And we should all know what pride comes before….

    Trump has a lack of……

    1. the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc.

    What’s the word I’m referring to, here? Anyone?

  12. What’s the word for people who are tired of getting lied to by career politicians with law degrees but then vote for that same stereotypical bull shit again? You are being played.

  13. Response for jawa boy

    — Go to Trump’s campaign website (and you don’t have to run the gauntlet of pop-ups asking for your money first). There, under “positions” are the details of issues on which he’s formulated positions. There will probably be more as he announces them. He usually gives a heads up as they are added.

    Hope this is helpful. If you have other questions, you can contact the campaign HQ directly or talk to the Trump people in GA. Here is the info on their Cobb County office.


  14. The “National Review 22” sure gave us ample warning about the evils of Donald Trump. To my recollection nobody, not a soul, except maybe Rush Limbaugh, gave us such harsh and critical, well resourced advice on Barack Hussain Obama back in 2007/8

    No sirree, to do so would be raaaacccciiiiisssstttt! But Trump is a white guy, a successful white guy so he is fair game for the brave darlings at National Review, The Weekly Standard, and The New York Times; now all suddenly birds of a feather.

    I want to vomit!.

  15. Do a little critical thinking Brad. Ask yourself this:

    Why hasn’t Trump run before now? What is so different now that Trump feels he’s such a shoe-in for President?

    The difference is that the American electorate is as angry as hell – and when people are angry they tend to think emotionally. Emotionally based decisions tend to lead to unfortunate outcomes.

    All I’m saying is that everybody should try to maintain a level head for the next 10 months, because if we don’t, we might make a decision that will lead to MORE unintentional consequences regarding the future of our freedom.

    Anybody can be played – just ask PT Barnum.

  16. (haven’t read above comments yet)

    “effective or a hit piece?”
    answer: YES.

    It is effective in that it shows massive flip-flopping.
    It is a hit piece in the MOST COWARDLY/DIHONEST manner in that it does not DATE the remarks made.

    Sure, this is Cruz’s PAC and not Cruz, but this is REALLY SAD.

    Up until about 2-3 weeks ago, Cruz never fought, never spoke up (except once in a debate to chasitze the CNBC commentators), never campaigned. The lazy guy just sat there and sat there…

    …AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN, I’m supposed to be SO “shocked! SHOCKED!” at these smear job ads that I’ll change my mind and vote for Cruz in the Primaries?!?

    F*CK HIM IN THE PRIMARIES. He hasn’t earned my support. He needs to work for it.

  17. I’ve noticed quite a few new commenters showing up to trash Trump in the past couple days. Reminds me of the obots who descended upon everyone like locusts. And you can tell because they aren’t comparing Trump to Cruz, most of the time they’re simply trashing Trump with clever quips and one-liners. And they don’t stop at Trump, they’re not content with that. They go after his supporters in the most vile ways.

    I’ll say this. I don’t care if people argue against Cruz, but I won’t sit back and let anyone call the people at IOTWr who support him “morons” or anything else. We have some dim bulbs here, myself included, sometimes — but IOTWr doesn’t allow full-blown morons.

  18. as a “P.S.”

    Cruz’s supporters (including PACs) would likely have been more effective/persuasive if they had started their attacks 6-7 months ago, just as Cruz should have started fighting/campaigning back then

    This whole “11th hour” effort comes across as desperation…too little (even though in reality it’s overkill) too late.
    Maybe not to the average voter, but to me.

  19. Tsunami, You’ll find I’m a pretty good critical thinker. So let”s put your question in the proper context. Why’s he running at all? He’s got life pretty much knocked. Why put himself through this? Maybe love of country. Look at the establishment hacks he’s exposed just last week.
    You can’t get different results doing the same thing. And Cruz is the same thing.

  20. Cringe at this all you want, but I can’t help but be reminded of Jesse Ventura’s campaign for governor in Minnesota.
    Trump has the same bombastic style as Ventura had then. At the time, Ventura actually made sense and wasn’t the mental case he is now. The establishment government here stunk too.

    I’m glad Trump is in the race though and I was glad back in July when he first entered the race. I see a lot of red flags however. Supporting ethanol for example is terrible government policy. Even Al Gore has now admitted how bad it is.

    I would still vote for Trump if he’s the candidate, because he offers the best chance of shaking things up. We can pick up the pieces later. Actually, I think Cruz is the real deal, but may have less of a chance to win. Unfortunately, he has a voice that sounds like Mr. Haney from the Green Acres TV show.

    Here’s a look at the Ventura/Trump comparison by a professional writer.

  21. I’d encourage anybody that has on open mind to Trump to bail until the naming calling trolls leave. this gets us no where.If the only way you can make your point is to resort to insulting others than you’ve lost. Adios.

  22. Trump is a flawed man – but a man, nonetheless.
    I like Cruz, but it’s Trump who had the balls to voice what needs to be voiced. These are perilous times, and the meek aren’t gonna get the job done.
    They may inherit the Earth, but not for a while. In the meantime, the world is at war on a number of fronts, and it’s gonna take a concerted effort by ALL Americans (not parasites and rat-people) to resurrect the Republic.

    Look back through History and show me the ONE perfect dude to save a country (Jesus’ concerns were of the eternal, not the ephemeral).

  23. “I have to write like a 3rd grader so allyou trump supporters can uhderstand me.”

    Written like a true Sophomoron …

    Tell us, Solon of the interwebz, who is the perfect candidate?

  24. Brad,

    To answer your question: Maybe it’s Trump’s apparent love of feeling like he’s the smartest guy in the room, or the love of money, power, and status.

    I just can’t seem to shake this heavy, ominous feeling about Trump voters being any different from that of Obama voter’s insofar as that we both loved what we heard and both got screwed because we believed what came out of their mouths.

    I don’t want a “deal maker” in the White House – I want a leader who says they’ll enforce and defend the Constitution as it was written; not a person who considers the document to used against itself “for the greater good or collective” while in the pursuit of power and glory like Obama has done.

    Fool me once, shame on you.

    Fool me twice, shame on me.

  25. Menderman:
    Yea, but one of them is stupid. A couple debates ago Cruz was asked about collateral damage due to carpet bombing. His reply was he would use strategic carpet bombing and only carpet bomb where ISIS is.

  26. Menderman: (reply button not there):

    Cruz said it after Trump said it. After reviewing the tape, the refs say no points for Cruz and a 15 yard penalty for drafting Trump.


  27. perfect candidate?Trump of course,just ask him,he has no faults,makes no mistakes,and all his supporters worship him like a messiah…..sorry i dont type very well,I do not comment very often and dont live on internet in my mommys basement,I have a life.

  28. traitor hater — please use some more current poo. “living in your mommy’s basement” is so ’08.

    He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. ―P. G. Wodehouse

  29. Nothing from anyone in the #AgainstTrump camp will dissuade me from supporting The Donald. The thing about stuff put out by the opposition is that it’s from the opposition so it is not going to be of any value to me. If Cruz or Rubio is your guy, would you be persuaded by stuff his opponents put out there?
    And why is it that only Trump or Cruz supporters are being attacked, trolled, and portrayed as dumb or evil anyway? What about the dozens of folks who support Rubio/Christie/Jeb!/and the rest? Isn’t there any vitriol left for them? Equal time bla bla bla…

  30. Tsunami,
    You’re looking for HUMILITY.
    YOU’LL never find it. BECAUSE…

    While Trump exemplifies pride,
    you exemplify HUBRIS.

    You have STILL never justified your parroting of the DEMOCRAT’s Virginia gubernatorial race “Cuccinelli was a flawed candidate” crapola, when – even before Sundunce made clear the CoC influence – anyone (inlc me) who knew Virginia/National politics understood the national implications of a Clinton whore like McAuliffe winning and the betrayal of the GOPe’s NOT supporting Cucinelli in the race.

    BUT WAIT! YOU’RE supporting the loser…or rather, YOU’RE TRASHING THE WINNER.

    So: don’t wonder why I STILL have lingering suspicions if you’re a mole.
    F*CK YOU, Tsunami.

    Fur’s admiration or not.

  31. TO Bad Brad

    I’m usually all for “smoothing over ruffled feathers”
    but I’m in a TAKE NO PRISONERS mood.
    Hope ya don’t mind.

    It may get YOU nowhere, but it does WONDERS for my blood pressure and ability to sleep at night! 😮

    TO traitor hater and (one of the) anonymous

    I hope that your English comprehension allows that to seep in.

  32. TO Menderman

    I forgot to post this awhile ago, but it still applies:

    You mentioned you’d vote for SANDERS, for XYZ reasons…

    WELL: you remind me of a hot, pretty Communist female I was – ahem – familiar with in college…who said she’d voted for Nixon in 1972 “TO BRING ON THE REVOLUTION SOONER.”

    How’d THAT work out?!?

    With respect, your reason to vote for Sanders is as dumb.

  33. Nobody makes the case Cruz is a better choice with POSITIVES about Cruz. I just hear DESPERATE fear mongering criticism of Trump.
    Nobody convinced me that Cruz can win more states than Trump in the general election.
    I would’ve joined the Cruz Camp in a NY minute but I heard no convincing arguments other than I’m just an idiot. If Cruz wins the primary, I am enthusiastically campaigning for him.

    If you think my video is ANTI-CRUZ then you have a problem with your candidate – ALL I did was post a DIRECT COMPARISON of the TWO answering the SAME QUESTION!

  34. This is to Czar (no reply button).

    It’s crap like this, Czar, that disgusts me about so many Trump supporters. You insult Cruz supporters constantly but all of you whine if anyone says anything negative about Trump. It’s reminding me more and more of Obama supporters. Nastiness and insults.

  35. I really like what both Trump and Cruz say they want to do. But based on history and current statements I simply have a bit more confidence that Cruz actually will attempt to do what he is promising – Trump, not so much. I don’t fully trust anyone including Cruz, so I have to make a judgment call on who I think will come closest to having real fidelity to the Constitution and true conservative principles when given such power.

  36. I’ve done my research. I don’t know that I’m anti Cruz but I see much more I don’t like the more I dig. At this point in time I like Carson or Paul better than Cruz. But I will vote for anybody on our side that gets the nomination.

  37. Go back and watch Trump’s body langage when he speaks about PBA. People do have epiphanies and change their minds on issues.

    Last year everyone wanted a honey badger to undo the evil done by Obummer and the RINOs, We have that honey badger as our front runner, now you all want a songbird that hasn’t done squat of substance, keeps forgetting to file papers, and gets conned into voting the wrong way “accidentally,” but since he tells us how holy he is all the time, you buy the songbird.

    Trump is capable of putting our economy on a better track. Cruz – doubtful. Many social issues wane when economies improve.

  38. Two comments:

    @zilla — good to see you commenting! Hope you’re doing well.

    @everybody else — if a ham sandwich has an R behind its name, that’s who I’ll vote for.

    Get a grip people. We cannot have Bernie or Hillary elected.

    Rally behind the “R” in order to save our “R”epublic.

  39. So, if Hillary switched parties and said she changed her mind about her opinions, you’d vote for her?

    McCain had an R up front.

    Rmoney had an R up front.

    W had an R up front.

    Jeb has an R up front.

    Lindsey has an R up front.

    The letter in front of them is less important than what is behind them. Their record.

    You know I love you jclady, but screw the labels, I’m voting principles for the first time since 1984.

  40. Menderman. You truly don’t understand our attraction to Trump. And we don’t understand your attraction to the status quo. Let’s call it quits. You vote for Bernie. We will vote for Trump. After all Bernies the people’s champion and will guard your property rights.

  41. @ Czar,

    What the hell are you even referring to? When did I ever say anything against Ken Cucinelli? I never said he was a flawed candidate at any time. I actually like Cuccinelli because of his 2nd Amendment stance. You either have me mixed up with someone else, or someone who posted under my name – cuz it wasn’t me.

    So take some of your own generous advice.

    Hubris, for your information, is EXACTLY how Trump behaves with.

    Go defenestrate somewhere else…..preferably out of a 100 story window. Don’t forget to flap your arms.

  42. it is so o8? hasn,t changed any since barak was elected,but you right, they left mommys basement to go to homeless shelter because mommys house got foreclosed on,maybe they live with a friend at his mommys instead.

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