New Asinine Leftist Plan To Take SCOTUS Back to an Anti-Constitutional Leftist Activist Court – IOTW Report

New Asinine Leftist Plan To Take SCOTUS Back to an Anti-Constitutional Leftist Activist Court

The left have a plan. They say the amount of judges on the Supreme Court is not laid out in the constitution. So, if they ever regain the house and white house they will simply add-on enough seats to the bench in order to regain a majority (after packing it with progressives.)

That’s quite a plan. And then when the right regains the house and the white house they could do the same, and so on and so on, until there are over a 100 Supreme Court justices.

So, as a counter-measure to this potential lunacy, and since we currently hold all three branches of the government, we should pass a law that states the Supreme Court will be comprised of nine jurists, and that’s it.

The Daily Caller has the story.

18 Comments on New Asinine Leftist Plan To Take SCOTUS Back to an Anti-Constitutional Leftist Activist Court

  1. Or, they could come up with proposals for new laws that would benefit citizens of the country and improve their prospects for a better future. Then they could run on those great ideas and be elected to office in such numbers that they could then pass the wonder legislation and sign it into law.

    Or they could just try to cheat their way back into power, like they always do.

  2. SCOTUS should always have at least one more member than the Senate and the House of Representatives, combined. Whoever makes the Law should have the most people to actually do the job.

  3. The next time the Left takes power, they will follow the nuevo bolivariano script and call a constitutional convention — after they have rigged the outcome. Works every time.

    The Left prefers to co-opt institutions, rather than eliminate them. They enjoy bit of Kabuki.

    I really expected Obama and his minions to have done it to keep him in power. I suppose his controllers were convinced Hillary would win, and they had to placate the Clintonites in the Party.

    Never assume. Correa assumed in Ecuador. Lula assumed in Brazil. Fernandez assumed in Argentina. The Left has a good playbook, but people don’t always react predictably.

  4. Was looking at the argument. Got all the proggtard tropes

    Prevent rule by straw man (alt right)
    Need to reflect the mores of the time
    Musn’t be “shackled” to the weight of the past

    Dont you love how these shitheads work “shackled” into everything (e.g., shackled to the kitchen)

  5. ” …we should pass a law that states the Supreme Court will be comprised of nine jurists, and that’s it.”

    Yeah, that’s the ticket! We all know how them laws stop illegal behavior.

    Maybe we ought to pass a law making murder illegal. We seem to have a nationwide problem with that little thing. By this reasoning, it’s all it would take to bring it to a halt.


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