New Automated Brick Layer – Can It Build Yuge Walls? – IOTW Report

New Automated Brick Layer – Can It Build Yuge Walls?

Has Trump seen this yet?

Ht/ Annie Via Zero Hedge

19 Comments on New Automated Brick Layer – Can It Build Yuge Walls?

  1. Menderman, you kind of have a point, but it gets taken too far. Right now the policy needs to be SECURE THE BORDER! Those that insist on a comprehensive government policy to be in place before infrastructure gets built is like saying we need the Marshall Plan before we win WWII.

  2. “We need a giant conveyor belt to dump leftists into the Grand Canyon. ” – LBS

    Loco! What did the Grand Canyon ever do to you?

    How about some place deep enough to hold them all and remote enough to not be an eyesore? Like the Mariana Trench. At least no one vacations there.

  3. And the Marianna’s Trench is 7 + miles deep (over 37,000 ft. deep) so no one will ever know they’re buried there. Except with all those bodies it might actually cause Guam to fall over into the Pacific Ocean, just ask Hank Johnson. And 4th Hoplite they also wear wife beater T-shirts and say si.

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