New Bodycam Footage Shows Police Officer Being Hoisted Onto Roof, Confronting Thomas Crooks Before He Opened Fire on Trump – IOTW Report

New Bodycam Footage Shows Police Officer Being Hoisted Onto Roof, Confronting Thomas Crooks Before He Opened Fire on Trump

GatewayPundit- New bodycam footage shows a police officer being hoisted onto the roof to confront would-be assassin Thomas Crooks just two minutes before he opened fire on Trump and rallygoers on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Thomas Crooks opened fire at 6:12 ET on July 13.

New bodycam footage, obtained by Fox News, shows a Butler Township police officer being hoisted onto the roof at 6:10 ET, just minutes before the shooting.

The officer stares down the barrel of Crooks’ shotgun and retreats.

The Butler Township officer then sprints away warning other officers of the gunman perched in the roof.

The video doesn’t have any sound until the 1:38 mark.

“F*cking this close, bro. Dude, he turned around on me,” the officer who was hoisted on the roof said. more

24 Comments on New Bodycam Footage Shows Police Officer Being Hoisted Onto Roof, Confronting Thomas Crooks Before He Opened Fire on Trump

  1. @Mark “ it wasn’t an assassination attempt it was a message/ warning.”
    No way not even the best sniper in the world could make that “message/ warning”shot let alone a 20 year old looser with a low grade AR-15.

  2. This is not cool.

    What’s not cool? Writing that in the article.

    Do you want to know ‘who’ the ‘they’ are?
    It’s ‘whoever’ wrote that in the article above.
    ‘They’ are one of ‘They”.

    “. . . stares down the barrel of Crooks shotgun . . ”

    Thats proof that it’s a ‘they’ right there.

    Deliberate BS like that is who ‘they’ are.

    Ought to be ashamed and shunned, whoever ‘they’ are that wrote that.

  3. Mmmm… I like the thought that it is a message. Very clearly it is an inside job and the dead patsy is only a factotum of a simulacrum of a chimera of an assassin. The deep state is obviously entirely responsible for this event. Probably multiple agencies in concert, with the local guys just as duped as the dead patsy, without paying the ultimate price.

    Defund, burn them to the ground, start new programs with meaningful guard rails. The deep state must be eradicated, root and branch. (yes, yes, I know, this ain’t gonna happen)

  4. That was harrowing footage, particularly at the end of the video. First, there were personnel walking on a sloped roof – they could have slipped and while falling, believed they may fall off the roof although there was little chance of that. Further, it was apparently hot and uniforms could have become sweat-stained thereby marring the compentent facade they were trying to cultivate. All in all – horrifying.

    I’m not dumping on the local police; they were told they were primarily there for traffic and crowd control and no doubt the Secret Service considered them to be just local yokels anyway. But this wasn’t even Lee Harvey Oswald level of assassin competency; this was a roof top that anyone could see should have been secured, Crooks should have been in full view of anyone looking there, the Secret Service are supposedly the experts in protecting officials, and when a potential shooter was identified Trump should have been taken off the stage.

  5. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  6. “Shotgun? What shotgun?”

    Exactly. I think these clowns are spinning so many stories that they can’t keep them strait. Especially when you consider with all that video that was taken we never have seen Crook with one single firearm.
    Remember last week they announced they arrested some Paki dude that was suppose to be involved in this. Well now they’re saying that was another attempt on Trumps life. They are all full of shit.

  7. Either the Republican establishment points out the obfuscation and demand the chair of each committee start calling all of the LEO present before their committees or it is safe to say that they are at a minimum in on the coverup, if not the planning and/or execution of the assassination attempt. We already know that more than a hand full of them wouldn’t have any compunction signing off on it if they thought they could get away with it.

  8. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the cop distracted Crooks for an instant and that made him rush his shot. We will never know the truth unless Trump is elected and we make those responsible accountable.

  9. For the committee to have that smug fucking idiot, sit there looking like he has a tanned rat hide toupee glued to his scalp, giving the country the finger….

    Guess what sports fans? When that is happening it is actually the committee itself giving the country the finger. It’s all theater to them.

  10. JDHasty

    You know and I know that you don’t leave a 130 yard shooting lane open unless it was intentional. That’s the bottom line. Even if he was a decoy. Eye witness accounts have become more reliable than LE. Local or Fed. Several people have come forward and stated they saw movement and heard multiple shots from the tree line. This investigation will go no where.

  11. If the nuts think he was a patsy, there is actually proof now that they are fabricating their spins.

    (The Theys = Fabbers)

    DOCOZ has been 100 from the start.
    Audio Streams.
    2 Shooters.
    On and on.
    So, last point on All That.

    If Crooks was a patsy and there was actually a “real sniper shooter” that fired all 8 exact audio reports, then, what would have happened had the “Patsy” tripped and fallen just 2 or 3 seconds before the “patsy” was in the “real shooters” needed positioning, for ALL the other events to work out so coordinated.

    Bottom Line:

    Crooks got f’ng lucky with that first 3.

    Pure Intervention . . .

  12. I guess the guy ran around for a few minutes to drain his pant leg of shit that excreted when he saw crooks. I get that. I would have panicked too.
    But why did it take so long for others to re-engage crooks?

  13. I still am asking – what about the water tower? Why was nobody present on the perfect location to view the entire area?
    It has walking path around the entire perimeter of the tank.
    That’s plain stupid to leave that vacant.


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