New Border Wall Construction Starts in Texas – IOTW Report

New Border Wall Construction Starts in Texas


Part of the construction is a continuation of a levee wall in Hidalgo County, which will double as flood protection for local towns and agriculture. The levee will sit about a mile from the Rio Grande, which is the U.S.–Mexico international border.

The levee wall system will be very similar to that constructed in the area during 2008, but will also include all-weather roads, lighting, enforcement cameras, and other related technology, according to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statement.

A CBP official told media in January that a wall isn’t a magic bullet to stop illegal border crossings—but the critical factor is that it slows illegal incursions and buys agents time to respond.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector is the nation’s busiest sector, accounting for more than 40 percent of all Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal aliens. It also accounts for more than 43 percent of marijuana seized at the southwest border for the fiscal year to date, and is second busiest sector for seized cocaine.

The sector has 320 miles of the country’s 2,000-mile international boundary with Mexico. In total, 654 miles of the border has some type of fence.

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4 Comments on New Border Wall Construction Starts in Texas

  1. Building a wall completely encompassing the border probably could control the number of illegal entries, but what about the thousands being allowed in with no vetting at all? So it is really deception because thousands of Illegals are still being allowed in “legally.” These numbers are being relocated all across America carrying infectious diseases and being dangerous criminals. Being legal illegals they can still be employed, get welfare benefits, driver’s licenses–and vote, just like being real citizens. Irony, illegals get undeserved privileges and real citizens are being stripped of rights. Real ID is fast becoming very restrictive law. No approved ID, no travel. But illegals can roam freely!
    Trump promises tracking ID for everyone, going and coming. Lost freedom of movement within the country already exists. When do Americans NOT have to provide legal ID to fly commercial?

  2. You want to see the wall built?

    Connect its existence to stopping the illegal flow of marijuana in order to legalize and tax marijuana.

    Wall built within 6 months, guaranteed!

  3. The DHS is bringing illegals in faster than any border wall will ever exist. Trump says no more, but his W.H.controller Kushner plans on many more. Who is boss? Not Trump. Mind-controlled/drugged subjects believe their own lies are true. Trump is likely only a programmed puppet, but doesn’t even know it.

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    “The effort began in January when Kushner started to convene a series of meetings with dozens of advocacy groups, including business and agriculture organizations. Some, though not all of them, openly support the expansion of legal immigration. It has continued in recent weeks with a smaller four-person White House working group led by Kushner and could generate a proposal for Congress by summer.””

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    January 9, 2015

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