Idiocy of the Left – Example # 36,876 – IOTW Report

Idiocy of the Left – Example # 36,876

Everything requires a male/female presence – corporations, Supreme Court, sports teams, scouts, law enforcement, military, you name it, EXCEPT families.

ht/ u/neckspike

12 Comments on Idiocy of the Left – Example # 36,876

  1. Im a Male who identifies as a female who identifies as a Male who identifies as a tyrannosaurus rex. Do I fill a diversity quota? Keep in mind that’s a Male trex.

  2. These crazy directives are handed down by fascists at harvard and the ny times (funded by the likes of soros and saudi arabia) to other fascists an their army of useful idiots.

    The useful idiot army are very pathetic, insecure, corrupted conformists.

    The bigger the lies coming out of harvard and the ny times cabal, the more their useful idiots believe them.

    So.of course idiocy comes out of the left.

  3. So, a tyrannosaurus rex rapes you,,,
    Do you?
    1. Call 911?
    2. Become a Democrat?
    3. Identify as a lottery winner.
    4. identify as a male lesbian
    5. Identifies as a female who identifies as a Male who identifies as a tyrannosaurus rex.
    This is why I love this place!
    S’ writes itself!
    Best day to all!


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