New Cache of Emails Proves Pay-For-Play Arrangements Between Clinton Foundation and State Department – IOTW Report

New Cache of Emails Proves Pay-For-Play Arrangements Between Clinton Foundation and State Department

Will the DOJ ignore this evidence of corruption too?

Will NeverTrump sites bitch and whine about how corrupt and evil Clinton is as they ratf*ck Trump and claim “he is worse”?

Will they pass on the opportunity to send this crunt to the ash heap of history just because they are still clinging to the losing candidate Ted Cruz?

Will they ever snap out of this fixation and realize what it is they are doing?

Will they ever stfu about Trump not being able to win as they do everything in their power to make sure that he doesn’t?

We’ll see.


“No wonder Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin hid emails from the American people, the courts and Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law.”

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said “there are bombshells in the emails.”

“These are the emails the FBI said they couldn’t find. … They’re just devastating,” he said.

“It’s an intricately woven web of deceit,” Limbaugh continued. “Clinton lied about it. She said these emails didn’t exist. There was nothing worth seeing. She threw them out.”

GOP nominee Donald Trump’s campaign said Wednesday the “newest email scandal exposes pay-for-play connections.”

“That the Clinton Foundation was calling in favors barely three months into Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department is deeply troubling and it is yet another reminder of the conflicts of interest and unethical wheeling and dealing she’d bring to the White House,” said Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short in a statement.

“She views public office as nothing more than a means to personal enrichment – and every dollar she takes comes at the expense of the public welfare,” Stephen Miller, the national policy director for Trump’s campaign, said in a statement Tuesday evening.

“This latest finding is an unseemly, disturbing window into a corrupt office, and yet more evidence that Hillary Clinton has been lying from the beginning – and by any reasonable definition attempted to obstruct the investigation of the FBI.”
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16 Comments on New Cache of Emails Proves Pay-For-Play Arrangements Between Clinton Foundation and State Department

  1. Joe, I think we are fucked. Nobody cares. Why isn’t this bitch in jail already? I think Obama has succefully turned us into a third world dictator ship. If she vapor locks, look for Barry to push for a third term. And he could make that happen.

  2. Soros had it figured out…first capture the WH; then capture the DOJ….then you are whitewashed of any mud and crime….doesnt matter if guilty or not…when the AG refuses to do the job…and signs off on this.. then it is time to clean house and purge them into hell. The Looney Lefties are going apeshit crazy …saying Trump is quitting, saying the GOP will refuse to let him run, and when asked, they said it does not matter what the voters want or elect…..saying everything nasty they can, lining up 50 so-called GOP leaders to say Trump is unfit to be POTUS….they are rabid monkeys, howler monkeys tearing out their hair, screaming at everyone, and flinging their poo at all around them…sad but makes you swear off the GOP for good, and vote Trump ….Follow the money….its all about suckering the USA into UN control, giving up our sovereignty, our Constitution, and obeying these misbegotten demons from hell…NEVER!

  3. I think we’re looking at the one linton that will wind up in jail.
    I’m referring to the one on the left.
    Mom and dad should be, but when the kid loses the training wheels I don’t think shes smart enough and crafty enough to keep one step ahead. Not only that, but that weasel she calls a husband is gonna step in it one day too!

  4. well….Hillary has the best director of the FBI and Attorney General of the US that corruption and money can buy.

    Don’t expect any action from either of these pliable and unscrupulous political hacks.

  5. When public officials are corrupt, the next highest authority can step in and deal with the corruption. When the corruption goes all the way to the top, the corrupt can just lean back and laugh, asking “What you gonna do?” because there is literally no higher authority.

    Even the supreme court is split. If you believe Scalia’s death was chance, think again.

    These crooks have been laying this out like chess masters for the last few years and they will kill whoever does or can get in their way – because they know they will get away with it.

  6. so you think it’s as easy as voting trump into office.

    those in power will not give it up easily.
    if you want your freedom and country back, you will have to take it.

    now is the time to put the list of politicians, msm media whores and the bureaucrats together so we don’t miss anyone.

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