New CNN CEO- “The Uninformed Vitriol From the Left Has Been Stunning” – IOTW Report

New CNN CEO- “The Uninformed Vitriol From the Left Has Been Stunning”

Conservative Brief-

The new boss of CNN, Chris Licht, appears to have gotten fed up with criticisms from “the left” of his reforms at the struggling cable news outlet and has now responded to liberals who are taking issue with his latest programming moves.

After being named the network’s CEO in February, Licht has moved to remake the news company by getting rid of its failed online streaming service CNN+ and dismissing several of the network’s prominent hosts and personalities in an attempt to make coverage less biased toward the left. In an interview with The New York Times, Licht said he wants the network to host a “rational conversation about polarizing issues.”

Interestingly, he said, he has gotten the loudest criticism — “uniformed vitriol,” as he called it — from left-wing figures, which is the audience that CNN catered to for years under previous leadership.

“The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning,” Licht told the Times. “Which proves my point: so much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths, and desperation.”


7 Comments on New CNN CEO- “The Uninformed Vitriol From the Left Has Been Stunning”

  1. In the past I have often seen comments such as, “When you’ve lost So-and-So…” and I often disregarded these because they weren’t the sensational signs the writers made them out to be. Things just carried on as awful as they had been.

    However…headlines like this seem to be much more common, and leftists themselves seem to be waking up. More are speaking out. Could this actually mean something?

  2. Chris Licht recognizes the ultra Liberal disinformation of CNN’s so-called “journalists” is the disease killing the host.

    But, like a Surgeon seeing the entirety of a cancerous tumor, Licht decided to cut away the most visible portion of the tumor, knowing the cancer hasn’t been destroyed.
    Licht has cut away many of CNN’s liberal faces of the network, while leaving other talking heads, and behind the scenes producers, managers and staff.
    To cure CNN, Licht must completely remove the Liberal, cancerous disease that permeates the entire CNN Network. Until then, CNN will continue to wither away and continue to be a shadow of what it once was and eventually face distinction.

  3. Keep cutting & chopping the crap outta it. Then whats left. This guy will not last the year out,2023. They/CNN really wanna move to the other side of the aisle just do it. And then be prepared to file for bankruptcy.

  4. Trump… New York liberal darling
    Musk… Leftist savior of the world.
    CNN… leftist propaganda puker extraordinaire.

    All step out of party doctrinal orthodoxy.

    All are immediately attacked with the usual leftist barrage of smears.

    Lesson for the slightly dim… you are nothing, the revolution above all.

  5. “But after nearly a decade at CNN, I’m making the personal decision to explore a new professional chapter. Time to embrace new challenges and opportunities,” Cabrera continued. “I’m firmly committed to my work as a journalist in the next stage of my career. But for now, I look forward to hitting pause and spending some extra time with my family.”

    Same shit… different day. These twats don’t have an original thought among the whole damned bunch of them.

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